
Done it!!

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Done it!!

Postby Mareth » Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:38 pm

Well I've gone ahead and bought myself a mooncup eventually :mrgreen:

I want to buy a few CSP as well as a back up, I'm going to go for weenotions, but don't know what I'll need. Is it really necessary to have full absorbancy ones, or will pantyliners do, as it's really only back up to the cup?

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Re: Done it!!

Postby babyroo » Fri Mar 21, 2008 8:22 pm

Hurrah, well done!

I would wait and see what you need when you use the mooncup. I've not found that I need to use anything during the day, and even at night although I used a pad I don't think I needed to (or only a light one anyway). Whereas some people will need more than that, so better to find out rather than guess iyswim!

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Re: Done it!!

Postby nic1 » Fri Mar 21, 2008 8:23 pm

Yay, well done on your conversion!!
I think you could get away with pantyliners then if only using with the MC. Not having owned a MC i am maybe not best for advice on that but i think PL would do just fine. WN pads/pantyliners are super, got both and i use cloth pads only now after being a lil-lets girl upto few months ago. :lol:

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Re: Done it!!

Postby sueeltringham » Fri Mar 21, 2008 9:31 pm

I've just converted to the mooncup and csp and they're both fab! I bought a range of csp, ranging from ultimate night, heavy to pantyliners. I have a really heavy flow and for some days and one night I use both mooncup and the heavy pads and ultimate at night. Even the heavy pads are incredibly comfortable to wear, so I prefer the extra security! I guess it's a good idea to buy a couple and wait and see how you find them.


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Re: Done it!!

Postby clothmama » Sat Mar 22, 2008 7:55 am

Well done! I also use back up on my heavy days and at night and I need more than the panty liner size but then I have soem panty liners as well. I'd wait and see how you get on or just buy one of each or something. I just ordered a heavy WN pad and it is so thin anyway. The only thing I'm not happy with is I've just taken it out of the wash and the material has gone all scrunched, hope it is better once it's dry.

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Re: Done it!!

Postby Annette » Sat Mar 22, 2008 1:53 pm

Great decision, they are fab. I never found I needed anything else with mine. Interested to hear how you get on

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Re: Done it!!

Postby emste76 » Sun Mar 23, 2008 5:02 pm

just taken the plunge aswell and awaiting on my delivery. let you know how i get on.

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Re: Done it!!

Postby Rae » Mon Mar 24, 2008 4:05 am

clothmama wrote: I just ordered a heavy WN pad and it is so thin anyway. The only thing I'm not happy with is I've just taken it out of the wash and the material has gone all scrunched, hope it is better once it's dry.

Mine are scruntched a bit where the material is sewn thru, but it doesn't bother me. Maybe you could iron it to perfection :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Done it!!

Postby karenandgeorgia » Mon Mar 24, 2008 11:28 am

Rae wrote:
clothmama wrote: I just ordered a heavy WN pad and it is so thin anyway. The only thing I'm not happy with is I've just taken it out of the wash and the material has gone all scrunched, hope it is better once it's dry.

Mine are scruntched a bit where the material is sewn thru, but it doesn't bother me. Maybe you could iron it to perfection :lol: :lol: :lol:

Mine do that too when washed but they seem to lie flat agin after being in the dryer


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