
Lunette. Is this a good deal?

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Lunette. Is this a good deal?

Postby Chooky » Sun Aug 29, 2010 5:37 am

Woohoo DH said i can finally get a Menstrual cup
I would prefer one in a pack with a couple of CSP
So what do you think is this a good deal? or have you seen a better deal elsewhere i would love your opinions :wine:


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Re: Lunette. Is this a good deal?

Postby nic1 » Sun Aug 29, 2010 8:18 am

No experience of the company or the pads but i think i have seen sets on luxury moon like that before. :D

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Re: Lunette. Is this a good deal?

Postby Chooky » Sun Aug 29, 2010 8:31 am

Thanks Nic
:wine: it works out to be around $50 (i think) for the mooncup with 1 CSP instead of two at Luxury moon
The Lunette is $69 with 2 CSP so either way that's alright i suppose.
I wonder how clothmama got on with her lunette?? She bought on a couple of years ago if i remember right. But don't quote me on that :giggle:

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Re: Lunette. Is this a good deal?

Postby clothmama » Sun Aug 29, 2010 9:26 am

I did indeed! I originally bought it as a 2nd menstrual cup and to use overnight as I have such heavy periods and it listed as having more ml than a Mooncup. I do like it however it really is my 'spare' one as I find the Mooncup a bit more comfortable / softer / easier to get in. Now this may be as I had it first but I'm not sure. I may dig it out this month and give it another go now that you've asked!

As far as 'packs' go I'm not sure. I know that MC were doing 18.99 Pounds including international postage which is about $35. Post on a couple of pads from the UK to here is really cheap too (like 2 pounds or something) so you could choose what you want rather than going for a pack too.

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Re: Lunette. Is this a good deal?

Postby Chooky » Mon Aug 30, 2010 2:22 am

Doesn't look like i'll have a choice :giggle: Dh has ordered the Lunette already as a "surprise" :wine: Yipee I Love my Husband :wine:
Anyway i'll let you know how it goes. :mrgreen: I'm so excited i I hope i like it now :oops: :giggle:

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Re: Lunette. Is this a good deal?

Postby clothmama » Mon Aug 30, 2010 11:34 am

:wine: :wine: :wine: what a darling hubby you have! The Lunette is a good and quality product and I love that it is 'white' silicon where as Mooncup tends to look a bit yellow :oops: Please ask away if you have any questions once you have it! Don't forget that the stem is very much a personal preference and you may end up chopping it all off. Also I gave myself 3 months (the time I figured that it took to 'pay' it off if I was still buying tampons) to get used to it - it does feel different and until you get the hang of it it may be a little messier- but it is so worth it! I now have next to no period pain (I would be doubled over when I used disposable tampons).

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Re: Lunette. Is this a good deal?

Postby Chooky » Mon Sep 06, 2010 1:09 am

:wine: My cup arrived today. I don't know why but for some reason i was imagining it would be bigger :oops: I've been having crazy dreams of this monstrous cup and now that i have it in my hands it really isn't that scary :giggle: The cloth pads that came with it are surprisingly thin too :shock: Ahh cloth isn't it wonderful they are so squishy i can't wait for AF to come so i can try it :mrgreen:
Thanks Tory :hug: i'll let you know if i need any pointers.
Geez this is gonna be a long cycle, AF just finished a few days ago and i want it back already :oops: :giggle:

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Re: Lunette. Is this a good deal?

Postby gayleygoo » Fri Sep 17, 2010 11:03 am

:giggle: Isn't it funny how Mooncups and CSP can make us look forward to AF again! I was reading an article recently about how having the right attitude towards your cycle can make it so much easier to bear, reducing pain and PMT etc, it didn't mention reusable sanitary protection but I really think it helps too.

:wine: to your DH buying you one! My DH is actually freaked out by mine :giggle: but he has no say in it!

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Re: Lunette. Is this a good deal?

Postby Chooky » Mon Sep 20, 2010 6:36 am

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
OMG Menstrual Cups are awesome... Day 1 and i feel like a pro already. No Problems at all :wine:
Ha ha ha No more sposies for me now too!! :giggle:


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