
Mirena coil?

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Re: Mirena coil?

Postby Twinmamma » Thu Feb 04, 2010 9:36 pm

I have the same problem with long periods. I have just entered my 4th week of bleeding, last moth it was 3 weeks as it was the month before. I'm finding it infuriating but going to give it a while yet as everything I've read suggests it can take up to 6 months to settle - I'm not hopeful mind. I thought I'd wait until I'd had it in for 9 months and if there's no change, it's coming out. Apart from the long bleeds, I have had no other side effects and am finding it fairly easy to lose some of my baby weight too, something I found impossible on the pill.

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Re: Mirena coil?

Postby mrsm4 » Thu Feb 04, 2010 9:55 pm

ive had mine fitted when Ben was 8 weeks old, and my bleeding got much better just before christmas so took about 5/6months to settle down, apart form that ive no other problems and im really glad i had it done,

i have just had a period but only lasted 2 days and not heavy at all, but then i always bled on the pill even the ones when you wasnt ment too,

doc told me it can take 6 months to a year for, pills/coils/implants to settle down in your system how true that is im not sure though lol

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Re: Mirena coil?

Postby Velvetsteph » Thu Feb 04, 2010 9:58 pm

:giggle: this is a bit of an old post - 2008! :giggle:

Good to hear more experiences though

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Re: Mirena coil?

Postby kat_2804 » Mon Feb 15, 2010 10:44 pm

I had the mirena fitted nearly a month ago!! i am only 21 never had babies so having it fitted was painful!!
I experienced bleeding on the day of insertion but that was it and since then i have only had a couple of days of spotting. I am experiencing some slight tummy cramps at the min but thats becus i am due on this week so its period pain.
I had problems with the pill as i just bled for weeks at a time and i went for the coil because, the side effects are much less a risk than any other contraceptive, this is because the hormone is only released into your uterus, whereas with the pill, implant and injection more of the hormone can get into the blood stream. Also your fertility comes bk almost instantly when you have the coil removed. I have experienced no headaches, no spots, no weight gain no anything!! so so far its all good!!! :D

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Re: Mirena coil?

Postby becky1978 » Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:53 pm

I used it for about 2 years, came off it to TTC Archie and never had any probs except having to have a general to put it in due to a bad reaction (my cervix has never dilated)

Whilst it was in I had no periods (well a light one to start with but after that none) but got a little cramping occasionally.

The only downside for me was that i had to have the 'strings' trimmed a couple fo times as my DH could feel it during sex (sorry tmi!!)

I havent had another one fitted as I'm scared about having another bad reaction and dont want another general, plus we will be ttc later on in the year so not much point having it for a few months for me.

All in all I thought it was a great method of contraception.

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Re: Mirena coil?

Postby mamarozi » Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:19 am

My third period since I've had Mirena inserted was only spotting for two days! Yay hooray! So, I'm much more optimistic as I was on my first period ;)
Otherwise no side effects, I even manage to slowly lose the extra baby weight!

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Re: Mirena coil?

Postby clothmama » Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:27 am

Thanks for the update! I think I'll look into it when I decide what I'm doing about ttc!

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Re: Mirena coil?

Postby rene_123 » Sat Nov 13, 2010 5:31 pm

i had the mirena coil fitted 2 years ago and it been great my periods stopped straight away well ontil this month has anyone any idea why it has returned or is that normal thanks


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