
Mooncup issues

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Mooncup issues

Postby masheater » Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:06 pm

Hey guys

Decided to give this a whirl just in time for periods to come back (been nearly two years!).

Inserting is no biggie for me but it doesn't want to stay in one place some of the time! No problem overnight worked a treat (first day ever used so yay!) but this morning cleaned it and put back in. First time fine but next time went to empty and had leaked big time. Discovered it was upside down. I'm very sure I didn't put it in that way LMAO!

Any tips or ideas please? Thanks :)

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Re: Mooncup issues

Postby JanX » Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:34 pm

I have to admit my initial thought is that you perhaps did insert it upside down. I can't see how a mooncup can turn upside down after insertion tbh.

A few general tips would be:

to make sure when you have inserted that you check to see that the top of the cup ahs fully opened and created a seal (sweep your finger around the base of the cup and you should be able to feel if this has happened)

remember to empty regularly so the cup doesn't get too full so it doesn;t start to slip due to the weight in it

are you using the correct size mooncup?

Jan x

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Re: Mooncup issues

Postby masheater » Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:44 pm

Thanks for your reply. I am using the bigger sized one. It had only been an hour or so form when I last did it - I went to the loo cos it felt weird. Guess I was right LMAO. I have been checking it is opened out and found the twirling after insertion does that.
Is it possible it is too small??? *SOB*

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Re: Mooncup issues

Postby JanX » Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:50 pm

I honestly think you accidently put it in upside down. Keep using it, make sure you definatly insert it the correct way and see if it happens again.

Jan x

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Re: Mooncup issues

Postby masheater » Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:52 pm

LOL ok. You never know - I was in a hurry before 3 year old walked in LMAO!

Incidentally found this: http://community.babycentre.co.uk/journ ... cup_mishap

What not to do! Thanks muchly :) x

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Re: Mooncup issues

Postby ems » Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:19 pm

reading the contents of that link has had me sitting here giggling LOL I couldn't possibly explain to my OH what I'm laughing about either.. I told him its a bit gross. he said he likes gross.... so I sent him the link :giggle: I've not heard a peep from his since! :giggle:

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Re: Mooncup issues

Postby masheater » Mon Feb 14, 2011 6:26 pm


Well as an update I think I must have put it the wrong way round before.

Having said that, i have had such a horrible afternoon trying! My period has turned really heavy and several attempts seem ok, then when I go to get on with something i feel it slipping down and nearly falling out.

I was all but throwing the blooming thing out of the window when I remembered there is another technique for insertion using a different fold. I have done that and it seems ok at the moment.

I also think this is related to me using the wrong angle. It has been so long since I have used anything like a tampon....

Maybe my post baby anatomy is different to pre as well (I haven't used tampons since giving birth at all as I only had a few periods before pregnant again!)

Someone cheer me on here, it's been a tough afternoon. I can't believe I am sharing this stuff! :oops:

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Re: Mooncup issues

Postby red_dwarf » Mon Feb 14, 2011 6:32 pm

:giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
We talk about our bits and what goes in/comes out of them quite often on here

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Re: Mooncup issues

Postby lazylexis » Mon Feb 14, 2011 7:02 pm

Hi.I used a mooncup before getting pregnant fine but can't get either size to fit now without leaks.


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