
How bad is it getting coil fitted?

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How bad is it getting coil fitted?

Postby happytails » Sat Apr 23, 2011 8:57 pm

Ok so I've opted for the non hormonal coil and it's getting put in middle of may, I'm petrified it's going to hurt and tbh I'm not thrilled with the whole process (who is!) they did my swabs last week, standard practice at our doctors and that was uncomfortable and I cried :oops: so tell me ladies how bad Irma it and how long does it take?

Sarah x

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Re: How bad is it getting coil fitted?

Postby rachel » Sat Apr 23, 2011 9:05 pm

I have had the mirena fitted 3 times. It takes a few minutes and you get some cramping for a couple of hours but know where as painful as childbirth hun :wink:

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Re: How bad is it getting coil fitted?

Postby victoriaw » Sat Apr 23, 2011 9:07 pm

Similar to a smear.... take a paracetemol before you have it done :wink:

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Re: How bad is it getting coil fitted?

Postby zoeyboo » Sat Apr 23, 2011 9:08 pm

Slightly Uncomfortable, but didn't hurt, I took a couple of paracetomol before & it was fine (and I'm a wuss) LOL

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Re: How bad is it getting coil fitted?

Postby cat27m » Sat Apr 23, 2011 9:10 pm

When I had mine fitted after having Toby it was fine, no worse than having a smear done and really didn't take much longer. Wasn't quite the same after Rowan. It was so sore the doctor had to stop but then discovered after doing more swabs I had an infection and needed antibiotics. She tried again a few weeks later once everything was cleared up and it was fine, the same as it was with Toby. I did have a few crampy pains afterwards but that settled down quickly. I was advised to take a couple of painkillers before having it done. hth

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Re: How bad is it getting coil fitted?

Postby Mareth » Sat Apr 23, 2011 11:29 pm

Being totally honest, it was slightly worse than having a smear, but really, nothing to worry about, and you'll forget about it so quickly that it's HONESTLY not worth getting yourself worried over.

I had mine fitted as emergency contraception, so had no pre-screens/swabs etc beforehand.

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Re: How bad is it getting coil fitted?

Postby happytails » Sat Apr 30, 2011 2:17 pm

Thank you ladies, I will take some pain killers beforehand x

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Re: How bad is it getting coil fitted?

Postby red_dwarf » Sat Apr 30, 2011 6:36 pm

I had one fitted before I was pregnant and ouch that hurt, but that was because nothing had ever been past my cervix before :giggle: Ive got my apt for the swabs on wednesday and im getting the copper one again

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Re: How bad is it getting coil fitted?

Postby Kirstyh » Sat Apr 30, 2011 6:43 pm

It is fine, don't worry, there is slight cramping as they insert it but that is it, I bleed for a few days afterwards xx


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