
Coil getting fitted tomorrow. Update 1st post and qu's

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Coil getting fitted tomorrow. Update 1st post and qu's

Postby happytails » Thu May 19, 2011 7:40 am

Really bricking it :? I am so nervous and dreading it tbh I get really worked opacity these things (sweep and internal checks in pregnancy were same but often didn't have 4 bloomin weeks to get in a tiz about it)

Mum is having the kids so me and dp are going, thinking of having a stiff drink or 3 before I go

Update, well it was pushed back a week and I had it on Friday, wasn't half as bad as I expected but since Sunday morning I have had really bad cramps, and still, even making me writhe in pain if I'm lying down and making it hard to get to sleep. The doctor said I'd experience some cramps for perhaps a couple of days but had nothing really all Friday and Saturday, also had diahhorea since friday which I'm not sure is related and also spotting which I was told I'd get :-?

Anyhow has anyone had any similar experience, went does it calm down? Oh and I went for the hormonal coil mirena instead of copper one x

Tia x
Last edited by happytails on Tue May 31, 2011 3:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bricking it, coil getting fitted tomorrow.

Postby angiepangie2809 » Thu May 19, 2011 7:52 am

Babe. Try to relax as best as you can. I've had 3 put in before and the best thing to do is take a few painkillers (paracetomal/neurofen before you go so you are prepared as you can get some cramping for a while right after. I also hate anything like this and gewt worked up but being tense makes the process worse and more painful so realy try to not get wound up too much! My coils made my life more bearable when I had them....my periods ended up stopping all together after a few months or were so light and painless it was great. Only had to have mine taken out and replaced as I got oviarian cysts that leaked and made my coil sites infected and I got pelvic imflammatory disease twice and now have too much scarring to be able to have more colis put in....which is a huge shame and hence why I am being sterilised when this baby arrives.....good luck babe. Hope it all goes ok for you! Mine were worth the hassle at the beginning! Xx

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Re: Bricking it, coil getting fitted tomorrow.

Postby tracedw » Thu May 19, 2011 7:58 am

Best of luck for tomorrow, tbh i had my only coil fitted 20 yrs ago when i was first married so i cant remember much about it now, but i dont recall it being too bad though, you could take a couple of painkillers before you go and take some more with you but honestly i was ok.
You may get a bit of spotting afterwards so take CSP with you too.
I found the coil to be the perfect solution for me , i had tried the cap and didnt like the pill, i fact i forgot the coil was there and had it removed after 7 trouble free years (should have been changed after 5 :oops: )
:hug: :hug:

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Re: Bricking it, coil getting fitted tomorrow.

Postby winniewheresmypooh » Thu May 19, 2011 8:09 am

You'll be fine. Deep breath, relax, stare at the ceiling while trying to think about something else and you will be fine. I have had 2 in and all fine. x

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Re: Bricking it, coil getting fitted tomorrow.

Postby pinksalmon2001 » Thu May 19, 2011 8:12 am

Just relax as much as possible, I had one put in before I had Tyler (which was pretty painful) but the one I had put in after I had Tyler I didn't really feel at all :hug:

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Re: Bricking it, coil getting fitted tomorrow.

Postby northernruth » Thu May 19, 2011 8:58 am

You've had two children - its nothing compared to that! Honestly I am sat at the docs now to talk ab out having one fitted again, I have had two in, first was painful as pre kids and had scarring from hot coil tx on cervix previously, but second one I didn't even notice (well I noticed in as much as I had my knickers off and a doctor up there, but she had to tell me when it was done as I didn't feel it)

It'll be fine, honestly

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Re: Bricking it, coil getting fitted tomorrow.

Postby Shaunie » Thu May 19, 2011 9:44 am

I'll be honest, I hated having it fitted but then again I'm a complete wuss! After though it was just mild period like cramps and that was it. Do try to relax, it's over quite quickly. My Dr told me to get it done asap after childbirth when things are nice and baggy :hohoho:

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Re: Bricking it, coil getting fitted tomorrow.

Postby rachymoo » Thu May 19, 2011 9:50 am

Good luck, I'm thinking about having one but I'm a bit scared too! Don't worry, you'll be fine :hug:
Shaunie wrote:My Dr told me to get it done asap after childbirth when things are nice and baggy :hohoho:

:hohoho: :hohoho:

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Re: Bricking it, coil getting fitted tomorrow.

Postby Shaunie » Thu May 19, 2011 10:12 am

rachymoo wrote:Good luck, I'm thinking about having one but I'm a bit scared too! Don't worry, you'll be fine :hug:
Shaunie wrote:My Dr told me to get it done asap after childbirth when things are nice and baggy :hohoho:

:hohoho: :hohoho:

Jake is so young, quick go nowwwwwwwwwww :hohoho:


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