
Husbands and CSP

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Re: Husbands and CSP

Postby red_dwarf » Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:30 pm

docmaggoo wrote:I keep thinking of giving CSP a try
DH doesn't want to know at all - thinks its "yucky!!"
Might just start giving it a go - and see how long it takes him to notice :giggle: :giggle:

Then again - my AF is few and far between to say the least! Only 3x yr on a good year!
and as DD is only 4 months old - who knows when I'll need them again!?!

My AF came back before my DS was 4 months old and I was BF fulltime so you may need them sooner than you think :evil:

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Re: Husbands and CSP

Postby docmaggoo » Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:54 pm

red_dwarf wrote:
docmaggoo wrote:I keep thinking of giving CSP a try
DH doesn't want to know at all - thinks its "yucky!!"
Might just start giving it a go - and see how long it takes him to notice :giggle: :giggle:

Then again - my AF is few and far between to say the least! Only 3x yr on a good year!
and as DD is only 4 months old - who knows when I'll need them again!?!

My AF came back before my DS was 4 months old and I was BF fulltime so you may need them sooner than you think :evil:

I only have 3 periods a year (at most!!) and have done since I was 14!
Needed clomid to concieve my 1st baby (PCOS)
Didn't get AF back until he was 8 months old - but only had 2 cycles between then & when he was 18months when I concieved naturally ( :wine: ) his sister!
I fed him till he was 15 months old - so with my history of irregularity & still BF - who knows when I might need CSP .... but hey... longer for me to sneak it in without hubby realising!!

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Re: Husbands and CSP

Postby Bugglyboo » Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:08 pm

My husband is pretty chilled out about it all but I think asking him to put them in the wash would be a step too far. He'd happily take them out once they're clean though.
I also made my husband stroke them haha. His face kind of melted into happiness at the softness :hohoho:

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Re: Husbands and CSP

Postby jennyclaire » Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:46 pm

i showed my hubby some csp I made and bought (never used yet, just been stocking up and plan to use after I've had this baby). He seemed horrified that I would wear them and wash then reuse them. He said he doesn't mind about cloth nappies but these are weird!! :-? Silly man. It's only in the last few decades that disposable ones came about!!

Oh well, it's not going to stop me using them :)

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Re: Husbands and CSP

Postby weebee » Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:51 pm

jennyclaire wrote:It's only in the last few decades that disposable ones came about!!

Good point! Well made :D

Glad to hear I'm not the only one with a squeamish husband! They may grow up one day?!?

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Re: Husbands and CSP

Postby becky1978 » Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:52 pm

My DH doesn't have any feelings either way I don't think. I think he thinks its just part of my unconventionalness (if that is a word) :giggle: sometimes he refers to them as my 'nappies' !

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Re: Husbands and CSP

Postby tanya » Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:56 pm

My DH approves of mine, mostly because it means I don't have to buy sposie ones each month. He knows what they are and what they are for, will wash them if necessary. Doesn't seem to bother him.


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