
Getting coil out in 2 weeks

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Re: Getting coil out in 2 weeks

Postby sophie2198 » Mon Nov 21, 2011 3:16 pm

Yep it's fine hun honestly takes seconds , I was just asked to cough lol

Be prepared though that if you have sex up to a week before then you have a chance of falling pg , depending on where you are in your cycle obviously. I fell pg the day/day after I had my coil out :-D your doctor should warn you of that before she takes it out anyway , mine
did but tbh that was the reason I was having coil put so wasn't an issue , she was shocked when I walked back in a month later saying I was pg though :giggle:

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Re: Getting coil out in 2 weeks

Postby doobykat » Mon Nov 21, 2011 5:34 pm

What they all said! :wink:
I've had two coils removed (am on no. 3 atm) and both were no problem at all - much easier that having it put in :roll:
It'll be over before you know it & chances are, you probably won't feel much at all :giggle:

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Re: Getting coil out in 2 weeks

Postby happytails » Mon Nov 21, 2011 10:34 pm

Thanks everyone I feel much better about it :)


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