What am I doing wrong?


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Re: What am I doing wrong?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 10:49 am
by Sunset
You are doing amazing. Babies will latch on later as well, my friend has inverted nipples so expressed, she offered breast every now and again but was happy with expressing and mixed feeding, then at nearly 3 months she latched on one day and from then on fed straight from the breast.

Re: What am I doing wrong?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 11:13 am
by Dora
I had big problems with my first with latching etc. I had to use a nipple shield on one side-the best one was really thin and was less than a half moon shape for me-as soon as baby got latched I would quickly take it off when feeding got more established and then as a pp said about her friend, baby latched on without it as they realised the link with milk probably. I also had to express and sometimes offered it via a small lipped cup which my mw gave me and I also used a syringe. Prior to a feed I would also hand express a tiny bit of milk to get him going. He also wouldn't take a bottle (and never did) so I had issues the whole way. once he got the hang of it, he was good and I fed him till he was 11 months. BIG HUGS. I felt like crying all the time when I went through it-I frequently did :oops: I get how hard it is and how desperate you can feel when tired and both frustrated :hug: keep going, it'll get better :hug: xx

Re: What am I doing wrong?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 1:30 pm
by gilbertandmartha
Please don't get worried about nipple confusion. Mine have all been mixed fed, while I was able to BF, and no confusion there. Relax, you're doing a great job. And remember as long as she gets milk she really doesn't care where it comes from.

Re: What am I doing wrong?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 1:40 pm
by clothsister
Guess who's had 2 full breast feeds today!!!! :bf: :yahoo: :bf: :yahoo: :bf: :yahoo: we popped to toys r us as had ordered some breast heat pads. Had expressed and fed DD before hand so thought I'd have an hour or so before needing to feed her. Anyway 20 minutes later little lady was restless. Decided I'd nip to changing room and use the shields to let her use me as a dummy to settle her. Anyway she screamed so I took off the nipple shield and attached her again. She then started sucking and had a feed. Then came home to meet with support worker who was lovely any Penelope has been feeding for 2 hours solidly! :yahoo: :bf: :yahoo: :bf: she doesn't seem settled or satisfied particularly but it's a mahoosive leap forward!!! :)

:yahoo: :yahoo:

Was really interested to hear that the WHO are now a lot more open to supplementing if mum is stressed etc.... X

Re: What am I doing wrong?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 3:24 pm
by gilbertandmartha
:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

yipee, just remember that if a little supplementing helps you to relax then in the long run you'll do a better job at feeding her. But sounds like you are well on the way now. FAB NEWS

Re: What am I doing wrong?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 3:53 pm
by ems101
Great news. So pleased for you. And her! !

Re: What am I doing wrong?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 6:06 pm
by sim
:yahoo: :yahoo:
Well done both of you!

Re: What am I doing wrong?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 6:08 pm
by Sophiebeth23
clothsister wrote:Guess who's had 2 full breast feeds today!!!! :bf: :yahoo: :bf: :yahoo: :bf: :yahoo: we popped to toys r us as had ordered some breast heat pads. Had expressed and fed DD before hand so thought I'd have an hour or so before needing to feed her. Anyway 20 minutes later little lady was restless. Decided I'd nip to changing room and use the shields to let her use me as a dummy to settle her. Anyway she screamed so I took off the nipple shield and attached her again. She then started sucking and had a feed. Then came home to meet with support worker who was lovely any Penelope has been feeding for 2 hours solidly! :yahoo: :bf: :yahoo: :bf: she doesn't seem settled or satisfied particularly but it's a mahoosive leap forward!!! :)

:yahoo: :yahoo:

Was really interested to hear that the WHO are now a lot more open to supplementing if mum is stressed etc.... X

Well done in order to get unisef baby friend status you have to support mums however they feed there babies. Breast or formula as long as you feed your baby that's all that matters xx

Re: What am I doing wrong?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 9:11 pm
by Dancing mum
:yahoo: :happypixies:
That's fantastic news, you must feel so relieved... Sounds like things are going in the right direction for you and your precious DD is getting the idea of the :bf: and still getting fed either way :)