
Taking only one side at a time?

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Re: Taking only one side at a time?

Postby JabberJabber » Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:04 pm

And if I recall, even if you only had one breast / could only ever feed from one side, you would still provide enough milk for your baby. Your body will respond to what the baby needs.

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Re: Taking only one side at a time?

Postby Twinkletoes » Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:09 pm

We're doing a bit of both depending on how hungry and tired he is. During the night I try to offer both sides cos he often goes longer overnight so I assume he is hungrier.

Cluster feeding he goes from boob to boob and they've kept up with him. But equally when he returns to 'normal' feeding, they cope ok with that too.

I generally do one boob then burp him and see if he wants more. Once that's done and he's asleep sometimes I try to express within the hour, and notice the less used boob will yield more milk, so there's still capacity, but it's not caused me any probs.

Good luck :hug:

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Re: Taking only one side at a time?

Postby BingBongBoo » Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:21 pm

With both of mine, I was told to feed on one side and then offer the other - but not to worry if they didn't take it. Mostly then just had one side per feed TBH. My supply was fine. :wink:

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Re: Taking only one side at a time?

Postby Mumof5 » Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:25 pm

Mine fed from just one side at that age, and my boobs were swollen and tender for about 3 months until my supply settled, keep going as you are, taking cues from bubba and trust your body to do what it knows best! :widesmile: :hug:

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Re: Taking only one side at a time?

Postby lazylexis » Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:26 pm

Nathan only took one side but Jacob has both usually.

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Re: Taking only one side at a time?

Postby Hannahboo » Mon Sep 24, 2012 1:03 pm

I think at Jacobs age, Darcy would only take one side at a time too, it was only as she started to get a bit older that I would offer the 2nd breast of she still seemed hungry after draining the first. It all sounds completely normal hun, you are doing such a fab job, and even if he does only take one side at a time your body will still react to what he needs and supply for demand :bf:

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Re: Taking only one side at a time?

Postby Asta » Mon Sep 24, 2012 1:07 pm

My DD only fed from one side, made growth spruts a doddle because I could offer both sides!

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Re: Taking only one side at a time?

Postby Cyrillia » Mon Sep 24, 2012 2:08 pm

Thank you all - that puts my mind at rest! :D You are right Dani - I am a bit stressed about it all at the moment. Even though I fed Rory, at this age he was in SCBU so I pumped, and I also pumped at this stage for Ethan as he never latched. I've never experienced a well baby breastfeeding at this stage, so it's really new to me. I keep worrying over whether he's taking enough, if he's sleeping too much, whether I should be waking him, whether I've got enough milk, and so on...

FC I'll start to relax about it all. I think what's throwing me right now is that even thought at times Jake is really settled and sleeps well, at other times he's really fussy and I can't get him to come off without him waking up and looking for it again frantically. I think that at those times a lot of it is for comfort, but because I'm so new at this I'm worrying that he's hungry.

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Re: Taking only one side at a time?

Postby LynniferT » Mon Sep 24, 2012 3:02 pm

I only fed from one side each feed with all 4 of mine... Have you tried using a breast shell on the other side whilst lo is feeding, i used to do that and it seemed to help with the engorgement.

I also used to express whilst DD was feeding in the mornings because thats when i used to be the fullest.


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