
Taking only one side at a time?

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Taking only one side at a time?

Postby Cyrillia » Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:47 am

Just wondering if it's normal for a newborn to take only one side at a time? I'm worrying about supply really, as although Jake's nappies seem fine he'll often take one side and then sleep for a few hours to wake and feed from only the other side. He'll do that and I'm finding that on some days it might be that he won't go back on the same side for about 6 hours. E.g, he fed from the left side last night at about 6pm and didn't feed again from that side until 4am. He hasn't been back to it yet so it'll probably be 8 hours again before he goes back on there. :-?

I'm getting a bit engorged, although that seems to be lifting - is my supply going to diminish? Should I pump to keep things going? I'm worried that once he stops sleeping so much he'll suddenly want so much more and I'll struggle to keep up!


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Re: Taking only one side at a time?

Postby Rox » Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:11 am

TBH i thought thats was how it was supposed to be done... I read a post the other day, cant remember who it was and it mentioned on one then the other in the same feed and i didnt have a clue.

When i BF scarlett she only ever fed from one breast at a time unless in a growth spurt where i would sometimes top her off with the other if she was still hungry but this was rare.

She would just feed from one breast per feed. I always thought thats how it worked due to fore and hind milks.

... but i have no idea really and will be interested to read others experiences.

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Re: Taking only one side at a time?

Postby evansmummy » Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:27 am

I know lots of ladies who fed from one side. I think it's down to the baby, my boys always fed fully from one and then topped up on the second x

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Re: Taking only one side at a time?

Postby Miss_Purple » Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:33 am

Aubrey only fed from one side and slept between like your lo. He gained 1lb a week and slept through the night from 16 weeks too.

Tbh you sound a bit stressed and worried about it in a few of your posts. The best advice I can give you is to try and relax, your body is amazing and will react to what your lo does to make sure your supply keeps up with demand. I haven't experienced any engorgement or leaking this time and I can see why people think it feels like you haven't got enough milk. But you have. Trust your body. It knows what it's doing xxx

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Re: Taking only one side at a time?

Postby laceybat » Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:36 am

ryan always feed for one side each feed and if he was hungery i would offer him the other. but i thought that it was one side a feed as well hun.

could you hand exsprece a bit off the sore side for a bit of relife
:hug: :hug:

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Re: Taking only one side at a time?

Postby ems101 » Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:46 am

thats fine, James was the same. When he growth spurts he takes both, and my supply has adjusted and kept up, no problems xx

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Re: Taking only one side at a time?

Postby Sunset » Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:53 am

My two have boys have only ever fed from one side at a time, I assumed that was normal until I saw a friend feeding from both sides

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Re: Taking only one side at a time?

Postby JabberJabber » Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:56 am

Isaac only feeds from one side at each feed even now, unless he is in a growth spurt. At night he finishes one side for food and then starts on the other, but I think that is mostly for comfort.

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Re: Taking only one side at a time?

Postby beck » Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:01 pm

I used to feed from one side and every now and then they'd feed from both. Try not to worry :hug: easier said then done I know but try to trust your body.


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