
Help please!

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g murphy
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Help please!

Postby g murphy » Sat Dec 15, 2012 6:00 pm

:( can't get Naimh to latch today have had to give her bottles. am using a breastpump so hopefully my supply will be ok.

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Re: Help please!

Postby aimeet » Sat Dec 15, 2012 6:22 pm

Does she seem tired/sleepy or unwilling?
Can you have a bath together? Or strip her diwn toher nappy and take your top off and snuggle up in bed? She may respond better if you squeeze a little milk onto your nipple and put under her nose/touch her lip with it.
If possible try to avoid bottles as they get lazy and realise they don't have to work so hard.
Pm me if you need to as I had this with Pea in the early days.
Keep trying hun, she'll get it ;)

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Re: Help please!

Postby g murphy » Sat Dec 15, 2012 6:28 pm

She is wanting to feed just everytime i put her near my nipple she is sort of shaking her head and then starts to cry. the more upset she gets the less she tries to latch. she tries but it is as if she can't get hold of my nipple iykwim. she will try and suck but she is not latched on at all. i am feeling on the verge of giving up and just expressing as much as i can for her but don't want to be a failure.

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Re: Help please!

Postby aimeet » Sat Dec 15, 2012 8:15 pm

:hug: can you get to the maternity ward easily? Just thinking you need to see the infant feeding specialist/lactation consultant asap. Was she checked for tongue tie? Evie had trouble holding onto the nipple iyswim and took agaes to feed she had a slight tt that as soon as it was snipped chanhged the way she fed. Maybe try to feed her before she gets really hungry if that makes sense. Even give her some expressed and get your let down going and try to latch her on then, it can be a bit messy but it may work.
Spend time lying down in bed maybe with her on your tummy so she can bob on if she needs to.
Call the midwives tomorrow, even if that means calling the ward and push push push to get onto someone. It really does make all the difference.
Keep trying you are doing a great job xxxx :hug: :hug:

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Re: Help please!

Postby Shaunie » Sat Dec 15, 2012 8:17 pm

Not a failure, we all have been through some bad bf times in the very tough early days. Can you lay in bed with her, skin to skin snuggled under your top so she relaxes & you can relax too? Or maybe a nice warm bath with her might help you both relax and feed?

How was she latching before this? Emmet was a nightmare for weeks but we got there eventually.

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Re: Help please!

Postby Caroline » Sat Dec 15, 2012 9:16 pm

Can you try expressing a bit before you feed her? I used to find that if my breasts were very full Max would pull away. Have you tried a different feeding position?

:hug: Keep on in there, it is hard work for both of you hun.

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Re: Help please!

Postby littlesez » Sun Dec 16, 2012 8:50 am

I am off out now but just have a look at www.kellymom.com there are lots of tips there. Try latch practice when she isnt hungry too so she isnt frantically trying to feed :hug:

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Re: Help please!

Postby aimeet » Sun Dec 16, 2012 10:03 am

@g murphy how you doing today? Xx

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Re: Help please!

Postby littlesez » Tue Dec 18, 2012 9:12 am

@g murphy

hows it going xx

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