
Milk blister/blocked pore/bleb

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Milk blister/blocked pore/bleb

Postby Mareth » Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:52 pm

I have a little white dot on my nipple, it's fairly sore when bf, very sore when the milk lets down, and not too sore most of the rest of the time. How do I tell which of the above it actually is (if it matters)? And what's the best thing to do about it? I thought I managed to get rid of it the other day in the shower by rubbing with a flannel to gently break the surface of it, but it's come back :(

Any advice? The pain when BF feels basically like I'm back to the very start of BF.

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Re: Milk blister/blocked pore/bleb

Postby labbiefan » Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:59 pm

Hi hun, have a google at kellymom milk blister.
I got them a lot first time round. My solution was hot bath, massage breast and literally squeeze the calcium deposit out x

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Re: Milk blister/blocked pore/bleb

Postby clothmama » Thu Aug 22, 2013 12:46 am

Awww that doesn't sound nice :hug: luckily I never had them but think I would do what Labbiefan suggested, makes sense to get rid of the blockage completely :hug:

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Re: Milk blister/blocked pore/bleb

Postby Mareth » Thu Aug 22, 2013 4:29 am

Thanks you two.
I did a bit of reading and somewhere or mentioned that it can be caused by friction or a bad latch, I'd pumped (something I rarely do tbh) earlier in the day, the first day I noticed a small bit of pain, so I think that might have caused it :-( with bad positioning. Must be more careful next time.

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Re: Milk blister/blocked pore/bleb

Postby labbiefan » Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:51 am

After having this a few times I started checking my nipples on a regular basis before any pain started, I could often see small deposits and clear them by squeezing them out x

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Re: Milk blister/blocked pore/bleb

Postby laceybat » Thu Aug 22, 2013 10:52 am

I get these as well i just do what has allready been said they hurt alot don't they hugs

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