
Stupid emotions!

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Stupid emotions!

Postby clothsister » Sun Apr 05, 2015 8:17 pm

despite the fact that I've been trying to get Penelope to take some formula for the last 2 weeks because I'm back at work soon. So I'm hoping to introduce combi feeding so that our journey can continue (which she had point blank refused)

Tonight she has actually taken 3oz and I feel like crying! What's up with the mummy emotions!!!! Gah!

Sorry just needed to moan to ladies who (probably) won't think I'm completely bonkers!

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Re: Stupid emotions!

Postby ems101 » Sun Apr 05, 2015 8:23 pm

Oh Lucy :'-( it's so hard this growing up lark. Of course you are emotional. Hugs lovely xx

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Re: Stupid emotions!

Postby clothmama » Mon Apr 06, 2015 10:44 am

That is fantastic Lucy! Of course you are going to feel emotional, I even feel funny the few times he has had EBM :oops: :giggle: You know it will make it easier and as you say help you continue your BF journey once you return to work :hug:

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