
Newcastle Nappy free baby group

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Newcastle Nappy free baby group

Postby JenybearandOrinbear » Fri Nov 11, 2011 11:50 pm

Hey all,

I have decided to just go for it and set a date for the nappy free baby group, last Thursday of each month, so this month will be 24th November, 10 - 12 at my house.

Hope it will be of interest to some of you and that you can spread the word! It is open to anyone interested in the idea but esp parents with babies in arms and in tummys.

My son is 13 months old and we have been ec'ing since birth. It's a beautiful process of communication, which helps you to get to know your baby more, strengthens bonding, rids of nappy rash and can even help you to be aware of health issues which might other wise have gone unnoticed so can mean more content babies.

It is about building a deeper relationship with your baby, so therefore like all aspects of conscious parenting, it's about following your baby, but I feel very keen to facilitate the meetings and share my experiences.

Lots of love


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