
Pushchair recommendations / help?

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Re: Pushchair recommendations / help?

Postby clothmama » Tue Jul 08, 2014 11:19 am

Bugglyboo wrote:The newest version of the yoyo parent faces for the first few months. That folds up so small you can take it as hand luggage.

Thanks Jess I had looked at that it just looks so little and small wheeled. What I really want is a big travel system that folds up to take up no room and I can't find it :hohoho: :hohoho: :hohoho:

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Re: Pushchair recommendations / help?

Postby Bugglyboo » Tue Jul 08, 2014 5:12 pm

:giggle: good luck with that. The newest Quinny zap folds with the seat on. Or the NJoy Bubble/BabyJogger Vue which is a rear facing stroller.

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Re: Pushchair recommendations / help?

Postby clothsister » Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:28 pm

Tors the oyster really does fold quite small. You'd have no issues getting it on a plane. They are really very good with chairs. You don't want to buy a chair that you don't like or isn't right for you just because of a flight. @clothmama what would you be saying to me if I was saying the same things as you are? X

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Re: Pushchair recommendations / help?

Postby clothmama » Tue Jul 08, 2014 10:49 pm

Bugglyboo wrote::giggle: good luck with that. The newest Quinny zap folds with the seat on. Or the NJoy Bubble/BabyJogger Vue which is a rear facing stroller.

:naughty: :naughty: :naughty: spoilsport!

clothsister wrote:Tors the oyster really does fold quite small. You'd have no issues getting it on a plane.

It isn't that it is the getting it in and out of hire cars with luggage for 5 people as well, we are going to be hugely tight on space when we first get to the UK!

I'm actually thinking that if I can't find a cheap Zapp that I may just use what I have - flat lying suitable for NB umbrella folding Jane, just not rear facing or car seat usable. I'm thinking the car seat thing isnt' as important as all that as I can't take an Oz one to the UK anyway!! I can then maybe look at getting a good 2nd hand Oyster when I get to the UK where they are a fraction of the price :lookround: :giggle:

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Re: Pushchair recommendations / help?

Postby gilbertandmartha » Wed Jul 09, 2014 1:03 am

@clothmama why can't you take an oz car seat to the uk?

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Re: Pushchair recommendations / help?

Postby clothmama » Wed Jul 09, 2014 5:53 am

gilbertandmartha wrote:@clothmama why can't you take an oz car seat to the uk?

Not legal :-? I have looked extensively at it to try to get a MaxiCosi or Britax that are same brands. Here they have different testing laws, they test for side impact as well as forward and rear, which the EU don't. They also have a top tether that attaches to the car like a bolted in seatbelt, and even with the ISOFIX which is now finally legal here they still require that. I did consider getting an ISOFIX one (there are a lot of people that have imported them and use them as they are by far the safest car fixing system) that I can use legally once in Europe but it would mean 2 months of being 'illegal' here if we got pulled up, although I would have no qualms safety wise! May still consider it I haven't decided. TBH I had no idea that it was 'illegal' to use an imported car seat here and did with Josh when we came back for 9 months and we were pulled up by the police at that time and they never noticed!

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Re: Pushchair recommendations / help?

Postby clothmama » Sat Aug 02, 2014 1:49 am

Dora wrote:My phil and teds smart buggy folds up well, is light, can have parent facing, has a sleep recline and connects to my car seat but I can't see it for sale anywhere. No suspension though and not a three wheeler...

It is hard choosing isnt it? :hug: x

Just spotted one of these on Gumtree with the bassinet which means we have a bed when we travel to the UK at a really good price. I think that having the bassinet option beats the Zapp and I think it isnt' much bigger! Off to check out how the measurements compare!


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