
Sling wins over pram!

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Sling wins over pram!

Postby harrison3 » Mon Jul 16, 2012 6:57 am

We spent all day Saturday at the zoo and dd was happily carried in her mei tai by me!! The one time I tried to put her in her pram she wasn't impressed and that was just to eat!!! She wouldn't fall asleep in the mei tai I think all the excitement around her but she was cosy and comfy and close to me :D

So is there a time limit for how long they can be carried?? She's one and around 24lbs. I assume as long as lo is happy and I'm comfy carrying her she can be on me all day if she wants?? :bw:
Last edited by harrison3 on Mon Jul 16, 2012 7:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Sling wins over pram!

Postby Cyrillia » Mon Jul 16, 2012 7:01 am

That's right - there's no time limit as such. There's not really an age limit either - you just need to check the weight limit to the carrier you're using, although most go up quite far you probably won't have to worry about it for a while! You can get pre-schooler sized carriers too. :D

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Re: Sling wins over pram!

Postby laceybat » Mon Jul 16, 2012 7:20 am

my son use to be in the carrier all day when he was a baby apart from feeding as he just wouldn't settle in moses basket in till we found out her had reflux. i've just stop carring him now as i,m :pregnant: i would still carry him but having problems but DP still carries him some times.

it lovley when they like to be carryed :bw: :bw: :bw: :bw:

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Re: Sling wins over pram!

Postby Jellybelly6 » Mon Jul 16, 2012 7:50 pm

The thing that limits how long I carry my lump of a twenty month old son in his mei tai is me :oops: I still struggle a bit with PGP but so long as he is on my back we are ok for a good while.

He loves :bw: and gets all excited when he sees the sling. He will sleep in it even on days when everything else has failed. Seriously considering a toddler carrier of some kind and love how they love the closeness. :love:

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Re: Sling wins over pram!

Postby harrison3 » Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:49 pm

I love the closeness too lots of kisses and cuddles its the best part!! I was surprised how long I was able to wear her on my front it was a good hour and a half straight of walking and stopping to look at animals and whatnot. We will definitely get a toddler carrier when she's bigger love carrying my baby!

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