
Yet another buggy thread from me - silver cross 3d?

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Yet another buggy thread from me - silver cross 3d?

Postby Mareth » Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:25 am

What's the opinion on the silver cross 3d? The only negative I can see from a quick look is that it doesn't parent face in pushchair mode.
Anyone got one?

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Re: Yet another buggy thread from me - silver cross 3d?

Postby Scotia » Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:37 am

Nope sorry :giggle:

But I had a similar one for Kerr and the handles were always wobbly which annoyed me no end. And no, it doesn't face the parent in pushchair mode.

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Re: Yet another buggy thread from me - silver cross 3d?

Postby Mareth » Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:42 am

Ah well back to the drawing board.

As you may have seen, I was playing with a Bee yesterday :oops: and loved it, it's so sturdy feeling, much more than the cameleon, but it's sooooooo expensive. Plus I'm not sure you can get a proper carrycot for it (is the nest really good enough?).
The only way I could actually afford one would be if I can find a second hand one for under €300 with everything but carseat. But that'll never happen lol.

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Re: Yet another buggy thread from me - silver cross 3d?

Postby Rox » Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:00 am

The carry cot or lack of is the only thing im not keen on about the Bee but i have been assured by ladies i know who have used them from birth that its fine with the nest. TBH, i've always thought carry cots were massive, S looked lost in hers so something a bit more snug sounds appealing.

Well, it has to as i'm not buying a new pram system just for a carry cot when the Bee is used as a pushchair for so much longer.

What about a M&P Sola or an iCandy pram (various models)? They seem very popular on my birth board and have been around a while so i'm sure there will be some pre-loved ones about.

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Re: Yet another buggy thread from me - silver cross 3d?

Postby ems101 » Thu Jul 26, 2012 11:17 am

we have a 3d and love it. Jen was ready to ff at 6m, and we were aware enogh to talk and interact with her despite not facing her.

only negative for us was the two handles which makes it hard to steer 1 handed.

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