Please read and accept this BEFORE buying or selling here.

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Please read and accept this BEFORE buying or selling here.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 8:12 pm
by clothmama
By popular request we have decided to add a classifieds section on our forum. If you have nappies to sell feel free to advertise them here. If you are a nappy seller (shop or business) please don't advertise in this section, there are other areas of the forum provided for you.

Cloth Nappy Tree takes no responsibility for any transactions that take place here, all transactions are between seller and buyer. We will however try our best to help you if you have had a problem.

Please read the following carefully. It concerns your safety and security whilst using these classifieds. Your use of our classifieds implies acceptance of these rules:

Please don't cause extra work for us and the moderators

Please respect the fact that we provide this service to you at no cost and that this forum is run by unpaid volunteers who really don't need the extra work related to bad behaviour or lack of caution in the classifieds or indeed any other part of this forum. Please also be aware that we always try our best to help people who have problems in the interest of keeping this place safe for everyone and that this help can take up a significant amount of our unpaid time.


Please advertise your goods honestly with clear descriptions of any faults etc.. If we receive bad feedback about goods you have advertised we reserve the right to remove future listings and your access to this or all parts of the forum.

We have members from all over the world, in you advertisement please make it clear where you are and where you are prepared to post to. An example may be : 'Fuzzi Bunz medium periwinkle nappy in good used condition for sale. $15 (Australian) plus postage at cost to Australia or rest of the world. Paypal preferred.

Please place your items only once in one appropriate category.

Linking to sales on other web sites
Your listing shouldn't include links to other websites. Please include full details of your sale and do not direct people to for sale adverts, auctions or galleries you have on another website. The reason for this is that we are unable to follow up problems which may or may not have happened on other sites and cannot take steps to attempt keep those venues safe for our members. Listings linking to other sites will be removed without explanation.

Linking to images on other web sites
We ask that you make every effort to post images of your item directly on the site. We accept though that in some rare cases it may not be possible to do so such as when the image must be wider than this site can display. In those cases you may post links to external image hosting resources as long as those resources are not password, login or friends list protected and the page is not commercial in nature i.e. a shop product page. External content that we cannot directly access will be removed without explanation. Sorry we won't accept links to social networking site albums or photo pages, there have been too many problems associated with gifted requests made off site.

Play Fair

Please do not indicate that you wish to purchase an item listed unless you are genuinely committed to purchasing said item.

It is time-consuming for the seller if you later change your mind and frustrating for other customers who have missed out on the item.

Sellers are requested to leave feedback when they have problems of this nature.

Gifted PayPal

Please, never, ever ask for "gifted" or "donated" PayPal in your listing, private message or any other communication you have with the buyer. It does not afford the buyer any protection whatsoever and is not an adequate means by which to pay for anything on-line. When you ask for payment by "Gifted PayPal" you are in breach of PayPal's Terms of Service and have given them full reason to terminate your account. Anyone asking for this means of payment here will have their listing removed and be issued with a warning. If you receive three warnings for this issue you will be banned from this forum.

We suggest that if you want to recover the fees levied by PayPal you should clearly state that in your advert and show the amount you wish to pass on to the buyer. There is a PayPal calculator here: to help you.

We suggest that, whilst it is your own choice, buyers do not donate money by "gifted PayPal" in return for items advertised here. When you do this you are in breach of PayPal's Terms of Service and have given them full reason to terminate your account. If you still feel you wish to pay by this very insecure and inappropriate method, then please accept that you are taking a risk which will leave you with no means by which to recover your funds should you have a problem with the vendor or the quality of the item.

For fuller information about this issue please read our Gifted PayPal Policy:


We try to do our very best to ensure that all transactions are carried out in a way that maximises your security and safety and minimises the risk that you are taken advantage of. For this reason all communications concerning financial transactions on this forum are automatically monitored to limit the possibility of fraud.

Please do not use our classifieds to promote sales you have on external web sites. We do not have the time to verify the credibility of external sales venues and as a result will not expose our members to potential problems arising from purchases made elsewhere.

Please use the feedback section of the classifieds when you have bought or sold an object. It really does help other members decide whether it's safe to deal with a particular person or not.

Please don't put your email address in your post (especially your PayPal address) - this is for your own privacy and security as there are robots that search the net for email addresses to spam / hack!

Please report any suspicious buyer or seller to us in order that we keep Cloth Nappy Tree Classifieds a safe place to buy and sell nappies.

Swaps with other members

In order to protect yourself when participating in swaps with other members, we would suggest that each person sends the other a regular PayPal payment for the value of the goods being swapped. This will ensure that you are covered in case anything goes wrong, and provide proof of value if the goods are lost in transit. As both participants are sending a payment it will only effectively 'cost' you the amount of the PayPal fees. This is of course entirely at your own discretion.

Classifieds Expiry

Ads are shown on-line for a period of 2 months. If during that time there have been no replies or updates by yourself, they will be automatically removed. If your item still hasn't sold simply reply to your post to keep your ad 'alive'.

Restricted Items

The following types of article should never be listed for sale, donation or request due to possible health implications:

    1 Medicines or medical equipment.
    2 Food products.
    3 Any article in a defective condition that could pose a threat to a persons health or safety.


Please contact us if you have a problem with someone using classifieds and leave the appropriate feedback for that person. We will take every step possible for the good of all members to ensure that the problem is not repeated. You should however take every step necessary to protect yourself and not expect us to enter into lengthy arbitration with the other party on your behalf in the event of a problem. The classifieds forums on this site are provided to you free of charge and without any guarantees from ourselves. Arbitration for payment problems should be done through PayPal's very easy to use complaints process. Claims for lost in the post goods should be done through Royal Mail's complaints and/or insurance process.

Please refer to our dispute process page for the detailed steps you should take in the event of a problem:

In the event that there is an unresolved problem related to your use of classifieds we will temporarily remove your rights to use the classifieds sections of this site. This ban may be lifted once you have demonstrated (backed up by adequate documentation if appropriate) every effort to remedy the problem. We reserve the right to not reinstate your account should we feel the problem was serious enough to cause a future risk to other members.

By using our classifieds you agree to respect and be bound by these rules, including those present in the dispute process page and any others present on the site.