
Amazed but delighted!

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Cloth Nappy Nutter

Amazed but delighted!

Postby Bernadette » Sat Nov 24, 2012 6:41 pm

Just now DH was cooking dinner and Patrick has been nappy free for nearly 2 hours (no accidents). He came running into the kitchen holding himself and saying 'wee wee'. We asked him if he needed the potty and he nodded. I went and got one from the laundry and he hopped on and nothing, hopped off and went for a little run around the lounge room. Then came back into the kitchen and sat down on the potty and did a little wee. :thumbsup:

He is only 2 next week, and we have not even started to think about potty training. Was going to start thinking about it when we got to Australia as it would be summer time. He does tell me now when he is wet or done a poo in his nappy now. Let's hope he trains as quick as Fin!

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Re: Amazed but delighted!

Postby Hannahboo » Sat Nov 24, 2012 7:13 pm

:yahoo: clever little boy!!

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Re: Amazed but delighted!

Postby clothmama » Sun Nov 25, 2012 8:59 am

Aww bless him! Much easier in nappies on the plane :wink: When do you fly?

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Re: Amazed but delighted!

Postby Bernadette » Sun Nov 25, 2012 1:05 pm

@clothmama we leave Tendring, Essex on the 13th after Finlay's christmas play at school and drive up to Manchester to say goodbye to all my DH family. We fly home on the 16th Dec arriving on the 17th.

As of this afternoon, we are stopping cloth so just bought a box of disposables..oh my the cost. We were horrified and it was hard to decide what size to get :hohoho: I also don't think he will get through the night without any massive leaks and wet pi's.

Our air freight which will include all my nappies goes at the end of the week as it has some Santa pressie's in it for Finlay which he know's Santa has already picked up from the bike shop as is en route to Nanna's in Australia!

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Re: Amazed but delighted!

Postby clothmama » Sun Nov 25, 2012 8:27 pm

Sounds like you are all organised! Good luck with it all!

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Re: Amazed but delighted!

Postby Woozle35 » Mon Nov 26, 2012 12:12 am

Well done clever boy xx

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