
Training pants/pull ups with snaps on the side?

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Training pants/pull ups with snaps on the side?

Postby e586 » Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:04 am

Ryan's showing an interest in potty training, and he's been having nappy free time at home for a bit, but I'm waiting as long as I can so when he does train it is quick and relatively easy. He's not *quite* there yet, but doing well. I picked him up from nursery yesterday and was met with a beaming little boy with a shirt covered in stickers as they'd put him in a pull up and taken him to the toilet all day. They asked if they could do the same again today, which I've agreed to , though I said I could send some of the training pants we had (we have some bright bots ones that Natalie used to wear at night) but they worry that he'll poo (which he might do) and it would be a nightmare to clean- his poo is vile.

Just wondered if anyone can recommend any cloth versions with snaps on the side that I could send with him so they'd be able to change him easier? Or any patterns around that I could have a go at making some? ~I know I've seen some, but can't remember where!

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Re: Training pants/pull ups with snaps on the side?

Postby ruth+daisy+poppy » Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:19 pm

I think the new flip ones are going to have side snaps but they aren't out for a while - sorry!
http://www.babame.com/cloth-nappies/Fli ... ing-Pants/

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Re: Training pants/pull ups with snaps on the side?

Postby e586 » Fri Sep 16, 2011 1:35 pm

those look good! :) I need to play around with some of my pockets/wraps to see if I can find something to work, but he struggles physically with pulling them up and down, so anything stiff/bulky/tight would be too hard for him, that's why I was thinking training pants would be a better option.

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Re: Training pants/pull ups with snaps on the side?

Postby e586 » Fri Sep 16, 2011 1:37 pm

they're mainly for nursery as we'd just use normal training pants or just normal pants (after I work out how to make him some) round the house. I just hate the idea of him running round nursery in a t-shirt and a sposie pull up all day as I hate how that looks :oops: :oops:

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Re: Training pants/pull ups with snaps on the side?

Postby justme123 » Fri Sep 16, 2011 2:54 pm

Minki yoyos have side snaps.

We used Sandys toddlease with stacinator so simple wraps - both nappy and wrap pull up and down together and both have side snaps :-)

Actually any fleece / wool cover or longies would work provided the nappy would contain the poo and has snaps.

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Re: Training pants/pull ups with snaps on the side?

Postby yummymummysaraya » Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:18 am

ive just seen some of these on etsy.com under the fitted diapers section. they werent too pricey either. made me wish ds2 hadnt just ptd & decided to be dry day & night. lol. xxx

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