
Think she's really got it this time

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Think she's really got it this time

Postby girlinleeds » Sat Sep 17, 2011 5:58 pm

tried again with pippa last week and had a fantastic day on thursday and a nightmare on friday, she literately wee'd everywhere including all over me at least three times. ended up feeling very cross with her so put her back in nappies. this thursday i got up and she asked to have knickers on and since then she's not had one accident, she went to the supermarket yesterday evening and even remembered to tell me half way round that she needed to go and waited till we ran to the toilet to go. we went out to our local festival today and she was fine and then went out with daddy and grandad to the model railway show and no accidents either. was worried about her going with dh as i thought he'd forgot to ask but she was fine. she sometimes goes when i remind her but most of the times just takes herself to the potty am so proud of her, know its early days yet but we're getting there. having to put a nappy on for nap times due to me not being organised and having a waterproof sheet for her bed but when i get her up both nap and night nappies are nearly dry :wine: :wine:

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Re: Think she's really got it this time

Postby babiesgalore+1more » Sun Sep 18, 2011 2:37 pm

:wine: :wine: :wine: yahoo! :D

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Re: Think she's really got it this time

Postby littlesez » Sun Sep 18, 2011 4:02 pm

well done pippa :D

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