
Should she be PT'd by now.?

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Should she be PT'd by now.?

Postby vickyblanken » Fri Nov 25, 2011 8:51 am

My daughter's 2 and a quarter.
Whenever I've suggested the potty she gets upset. She hates being naked and wants her nappy back on if we strip her any other time but bathtime.
I feel like I should push her more, as friends are boasting about their little boys starting to crack it, but with a fledgling WAHM business with increasing orders, and a 1 year old too, I never seem to have the time to follow M round with a potty!

Should I push her more or just leave it until she asks? She is very articulate already and advanced in every other way...just loves her fluffy nappies too much!

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Re: Should she be PT'd by now.?

Postby tanya » Fri Nov 25, 2011 8:52 am

She's still very young. It sounds to me that she's not ready yet.

My daughter was 3 before she potty trained.

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Re: Should she be PT'd by now.?

Postby Frances » Fri Nov 25, 2011 8:57 am

J is still not PT at 3 and a half. Our HV said often articulate children are later as they can't make fast progress in all areas at the same time.

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Re: Should she be PT'd by now.?

Postby est4elvis » Fri Nov 25, 2011 8:58 am

i started properly with Lillie about 8 weeks ago (no nappies when we r out) + all i do is clean up wee + poo but now she has gone so long she is nearly there so no point putting nappy back on. i introduced lillie to the potty really early + am so not gonna be doing the same with Joe. my reasons for starting early with Lillie were cos all my mates kids were PT early but now i wish i had waited cos all i have done is spent the last yr cleaning up poo + wee + im so sick of it i cant even put it in to words will be leaving Joe until the last minute! xx

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Re: Should she be PT'd by now.?

Postby KimmyM » Fri Nov 25, 2011 9:01 am

My DS is 27mths and will use it occasionally but it is very hit and miss.
Sone children train earlier but I thought it was generally nearer the three mark to three and a half on average.
I do wonder if Noo would do better if I followed him around with it a bit more but with a 6mth old it's just a but hectic and don't want to get stressed out by it and cause it to be a thing we are trying elimination communication with it (a bit late in the day).
Do what's eight for your family and TBF boasting friends usually embellish a little ao they might not be quite are far as they have said.

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Re: Should she be PT'd by now.?

Postby mudita » Fri Nov 25, 2011 9:03 am

I would wait, not point causing stress and having it associated with the potty. She sounds quite young still and there is nothing wrong with waiting, it will happen when she is ready. :hug:

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Re: Should she be PT'd by now.?

Postby Kirstyh » Fri Nov 25, 2011 9:15 am

mudita wrote:I would wait, not point causing stress and having it associated with the potty. She sounds quite young still and there is nothing wrong with waiting, it will happen when she is ready. :hug:


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Re: Should she be PT'd by now.?

Postby babygrowbelly » Fri Nov 25, 2011 10:14 am

I agree to wait, I felt as if Caleb should be as most friends his age are but he simply isn't ready and gets very distressed by it all so I don't want him to have issues with using the toilet when he gets older just because I tried to "keep up" so I am just letting him do it in his own time x

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Re: Should she be PT'd by now.?

Postby jules070603 » Fri Nov 25, 2011 11:02 am

Imogen is 2.5 and we've given up for a while. While she is mostly fine without anything on her bottom half she just couldn't grasp the knickers or trousers thing and was getting a bit upset so we've taken a break.

She isn't keen at all to try again so I'm not going to push it for now. The potty training thing is so different for all children. I really can't be doing with wet carseats and prams so we'll wait a few more months and try again.


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