Bumhuggers for nights?


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Bumhuggers for nights?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 9:00 pm
by JennyPenny
I had heard these would be good for nights for smaller babies so gave it a try but it leaked after 4 hours. Is it worth giving it another go or not? What should be good to boost? If they don't work then TBH I am probably just going to use disposables at night for Talia till she fits into medium night nappies and then get her some UDNN and WNNN (already have one of each for her). She doesn't like being over wet at all so it is causing us sleepless nights that could be avoided (she sleeps a lot better in a disposable).

I feel bad using disposables though. Although it is only for nights and only for a few weeks. Although my mediums seem huge!

Re: Bumhuggers for nights?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 9:06 pm
by Louise
Did you buy it new? Hemp takes lots of prewashes to be up to full absorbency. I used small bumhuggers when Katie was tiny but we did have to boost them with bamboo and hemp. If disps mean you both get a better nights sleep then don't feel guilty about it. :hug: .

Re: Bumhuggers for nights?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 9:06 pm
by Soupdragon
Was it a pre-loved BH (so up to full absorbency)? If so, perhaps it needs stripping? I always used to boost a BH with an Easy Peasy hemp booster when Iris was tiny - just popped it in the 'pocket' - if it's a new style nappy. You could always add extra absorbency in between the nappy and the wrap, too, if you use PUL covers.

Re: Bumhuggers for nights?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 9:09 pm
by Frances
I didn't get on with bumbuggers at night. Huggles are fab with extra stuffing, and there are usually size small ones in the sale section of nappiesbyminki. I have 3 now and love them on my medium/heavy wetter. Alternatively, have you though of trying size 1 fluffles? They're usually cheap preloved, meant to be good night nappies, and they have a pocket for extra stuffing. Hope you manage to find something that works.

Re: Bumhuggers for nights?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 10:44 am
by eviesmummy
BH were one of our favourite 2 part nappies. I used to add a bamboo booster inside the pocket and sometimes a hemp booster on the outside of the nappy if I was using a PUL wrap (didnt need it if I used wool).

As has been said, if you have bought yours new, it does take a good few washes to get up to absorbancy, or preloved could need to be stripped in case there is a build up.

Sadie xx

Re: Bumhuggers for nights?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 8:21 pm
by JennyPenny
No, it was preloved so up to full absorbancy. Could possibly need stripping I guess. Talia seems to wee an awful lot now - even bamboozles etc are soaked in about 3 hours in the day and we don't even both with the cotton sandys and stuff now - they are all in the for sale piles!

I have since used it with an EP hemp, and it worked well but she wasn't in it as long as she sometimes would be - her sleeping patterns vary a lot at the moment.

I now have a WNNN and another on the way (medium - seems to fit fine). Looking out for more though.

Re: Bumhuggers for nights?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:00 pm
by rhead
Bumhuggers worked great for us with a slim booster - I'd still be using them, but I got won over by prettier nappies :oops:.

Re: Bumhuggers for nights?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 8:57 pm
by flutterby
I never got on with bumhuggers, but maybe you could try 2 nappies on her for nights, I used to use 2 swaddlebees on Summer

Re: Bumhuggers for nights?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:27 am
by JennyPenny
We have now got her a couple of medium WNNN and a medium WNNL and these all work well at night. I bought the NL for daytime but it is just about lasting at nights at the moment, so will use at nights for now and then in the day when things change.