
Do NN cause waking?

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Re: Do NN cause waking?

Postby Miss_Purple » Tue Aug 17, 2010 7:20 pm

I agree Tanya - but I also understand why people do feel guilty. My DD has been waking earlier and earlier recently and I have had to change her nappy a couple of times as it has really been sodden - this hasn't happened before and I don't know if the nappies are related to the waking or not, but I am scared to try sposies incase she sleeps through, as I don't want to give up my lovely cloth (is that stupid? :oops: )

She has been in cloth since 2 weeks old, and slept through the night 12 hours every night until she was 6 months, then we have had one thing after another (wind, teething etc). She wakes quite a lot early evening sometimes and I can't see how that could be related to the nappy. I do think that it gets cooler at 3-4am and so maybe a wet nappy can feel chilly on the bum at that time of night? I have started covering DD with an additional layer over her bottom half now when I go to bed, in the hope that will help - not sure yet if it's making a difference or not.

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Re: Do NN cause waking?

Postby monsterm » Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:04 pm

I having a similar problem at the moment. Amelie has been in cloth at night since 7 months. She has only started sleeping through recently & the nights she has slept through, she has been in sposies. When she is wearing cloth, I often have to chance her & she is becoming more & more of a heavy wetter at night. I'm trying LLS HW & the new Puddlekins wool. Amber is coming up with an uber wetter nn for LLS currently so if she doesn't sleep through in any of them, I will just give in & put her in sposies :cry:

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Re: Do NN cause waking?

Postby aimeet » Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:11 pm

I tried night napies too but found that DD screamed when they went on! We gave up after a few attempts and she is in sposies at night- she has been sleeping through from 8-7 for about 6 weeks now and is bf- I give a dream feed about 11pm and she goes into her cot then.

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Re: Do NN cause waking?

Postby Fayesmum » Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:52 am

Well now I'm thinking there is no difference at all between the 2, last night she was in a sposie and up 2-3 times for a feed. We were awake at 7.30 as opposed to 10am yesterday :roll:

So perhaps cloth can work for us afterall :)

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Re: Do NN cause waking?

Postby tiyuricc » Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:57 am

i've gone the opposite. after the night from hell and me only getting about 1 hr sleep, i'm wondering if i should try disposables. we have a pack that i bought 'just in case' before she was born that haven't been touched.. mind you i don't know if she'd still fit in them

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Re: Do NN cause waking?

Postby Orchid » Fri Aug 20, 2010 12:13 pm

Well I read this thread and decided to put ds in a sposie to see if anything changed. He usually wakes up between 1-3 times a night and I quite often change him between 3-4am and he will sleep till 7-8am. I am feeding him and that's how I get him back to sleep.

He was up 5 times wearing the sposie and wriggling round and unsettled!!! He sleeps beside me and ichanged ho
at 3am. Last night he wore his organic cotton inner bedbug and slept till 5 am for the firsttime in his tiny life!! :wine: Even my dd didn't do that till she was 12 months old.

So we are cloth at night all the way here. As regards cold bottoms, his felt cold with his sposie on when I changed it and his tush was lovely and warm this morning with his nice and warm vanilla soaker on :lol:

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Re: Do NN cause waking?

Postby lazylexis » Fri Aug 20, 2010 12:31 pm

well ds was in cloth last night and slept better than the prev night when he was in a sposie. The night before that he was in a sposie and slept better again so I don't think it has to do with nappies!

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Re: Do NN cause waking?

Postby e586 » Fri Aug 20, 2010 2:10 pm

Ryan wakes no matter what he wears. We mostly do NN and wool at night now but have the odd disposable night and used them overnight when we were in the USA recently for a month as he was doing teething wees and the wool was soooo stinky even though I washed and lanolised them before I went over... :(

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Re: Do NN cause waking?

Postby mrspumpkin » Sun Aug 22, 2010 9:06 pm

it doesn't make any difference to us.


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