
Eco bumbles for sale

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Eco bumbles for sale

Postby vickygardner » Fri Nov 20, 2015 10:42 pm

Price: £9.46 PayPal Costs: £0.71Total: £10.00 + £5.00 p&p
10 x easy peasy nappies “eco bumble” cotton / polyester – shaped cloth nappies that take cotton inserts.
Can be used from birth to potty (as we did)
£4.50 each new but will sell all 10 for £10 = £1 each!

15 x cotton pad inserts. http://www.easypeasynappies.co.uk/hourg ... -279-p.asp
NB mine are not hourglass shaped they are rectangles! £2 for all

Please note they will feel hard at first it’s because you can’t use fabric softener with them in the wash as it detracts from their absorbancy. There is always a paper tissue liner between their soft baby bum and the nappy anyway so it doesn’t touch them and scratch their skin.

We got on really well with this system (used motherease wraps on top of them) for my daughter from age 3 months to potty trained at 2. I do think it helped her to potty train more quickly as she knew what it felt like to have a wet nappy.

NB They do take a while to dry indoors…

3 x nappy nippers to fasten. (2 large, 1 small) (will throw in for free if you buy everything!)
1 x box of boot nappy paper liners to throw down the loo with the poo! (will throw in for free if you buy everything!)

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Re: Eco bumbles for sale

Postby 4clothboys » Sun Nov 27, 2016 3:20 pm

I don't suppose you still have the Bumbles do you?!

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