
V3 Bumgenius Nappies for Sale (8)

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V3 Bumgenius Nappies for Sale (8)

Postby Leedsdestasher » Sun Jan 19, 2014 9:34 am

Price: £36.51 PayPal Costs: £1.66Total: £38.00 + £5.00 p&p
Eight white bumgenius V3 nappies for sale. Really good used condition. No stains that I can see, velcro and poppers all in great condition, no fraying and the leg elastic is absolutely fine.

Comes with 8 newborn and 8 full size inserts, plus a roll of disposable inserts (I think I've used 2 from the roll)

I do have a photo but don't know how to post it herw. If you're interested, let me know and I can send you a photo.

Thank you

Last bumped by Leedsdestasher on Sun Jan 19, 2014 9:34 am.

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