Price: £96.40 PayPal Costs: £3.60Total: £100.00 + unknown p&p
I'm selling my entire stash!The lot comprises:
24 complete nappies, all in excellent condition.
A further 5 or 6 nappies, complete, but with mismatched colours between the wrap and the soakers.
6 night boosters.
Also a funky nappy bucket and a roll of liners.
These are the bamboo version of the pop-ins, and those in the know will know that they are birth to potty, and highly absorbent.
I haven't specified postage, as it's likely to be high; I can discuss if someone is interested. I can be based in either London, north Wales or Cheshire, and occasionally places in between!!
Pet free smoke free home.
**I don't know how to get a photo on this!**