Price: £241.30 PayPal Costs: £9.04Total: £250.00 + £10.00 p&p
10 Brand New AIO Smart Bottom Nappies and 5 used only twice.7 of the brand new ones are organic and 3 of the barely used ones are too.
These are great nappies and are still being sold at a RRP of £29.00 each! We spent £435 on these nappies and ended up only using 5 for a couple of days. Will throw in a wet bag and some flushable liners too. (Totalling £20.00)
These nappies are recommended for daytime wear, as are all AIO’s. I bought them from ‘the nappy lady’ and so you can find her recommendations on how to wash these ready for use, on her website - as they are brand new.
I simply could not keep on top of the washing and a new born. I LOVED them, but found it too much. We are moving house, have dogs and my husband works long hours.
Any questions, please ask.