
Quick, help please! Can't get started!

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Quick, help please! Can't get started!

Postby Bootygirl » Sun May 20, 2012 8:50 pm

I've ordered some wool and it's in a skein shape rather than a regular ball. This sounds so dumb but I can't figure out how to get started using it without unravelling the whole thing! I've found both ends but they just seem to be woven through the skein...what am I missing??

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Sucker for Cloth Nappies

Re: Quick, help please! Can't get started!

Postby KimmyM » Sun May 20, 2012 9:02 pm

Okay open it out to a big circle an either get someone nice to pop it over their outstretched arms or I use my feet shoulder width apart. Un tie your ends and start winding it into a ball.

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Re: Quick, help please! Can't get started!

Postby Bootygirl » Sun May 20, 2012 9:08 pm

Oh!!! Thankyou! Lol. I just read what you said and tried opening it out so now it's one big circle. I can't believe it doesn't come in a way you can knit from straight away, how odd. Live and learn! Thanks again.

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Re: Quick, help please! Can't get started!

Postby Bootygirl » Sun May 20, 2012 9:09 pm

Oh!!! Thankyou! Lol. I just read what you said and tried opening it out so now it's one big circle. I can't believe it doesn't come in a way you can knit from straight away, how odd. Live and learn! Thanks again.

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Sucker for Cloth Nappies

Re: Quick, help please! Can't get started!

Postby KimmyM » Sun May 20, 2012 9:14 pm

I have very fond me edits of doing this for my Nan when I was little not sure hubby enjoys it as much as I use too :)

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Sucker for Cloth Nappies

Re: Quick, help please! Can't get started!

Postby simlou » Sun May 20, 2012 9:17 pm

I actually love winding wool - its like therapy :giggle:

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Re: Quick, help please! Can't get started!

Postby Bootygirl » Sun May 20, 2012 9:25 pm

Is there a good way of winding so it doesn't all fall apart? I have visions of a big ball of knots half-way through my soaker!!

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Sucker for Cloth Nappies

Re: Quick, help please! Can't get started!

Postby KimmyM » Sun May 20, 2012 9:38 pm

Okay I do this (disclaimer does mean it's right or what everyone else does)
I wind it round two finger for a couple of rounds then take that off and wind around the middle of that then I wind diagonal across this and then the other way so almost like a star then I just star winding round and round it happens very quickly as long and you don't change ways or get tangled and it ends up like a ball you should be fine.

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Re: Quick, help please! Can't get started!

Postby Bootygirl » Sun May 20, 2012 9:39 pm



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