Hey all,
Just wondered if anyone has an idiot's guide to preparing and then caring for woolies? I've read around, but I've got a few questions:
1) From what I understand it's a pea sized amount of solid lanolin dissolved in very hot water, then added to a bowl of warm water. Woolies are submerged and left overnight, then excess water is squeezed out with a towel and then they're put somewhere warm to dry - not directly on a radiator or in direct sunlight though. Is this correct? I've got a radiator hanger - could I peg them to this so that they're not touching the radiator, but are close?
2) When you add the lanolin to a bowl of warm water, how much is a 'bowl'? A washing up bowl size? If so, how full? Or for a bowl that size, how much extra lanolin would be needed?
3) I've read that new woolies need to be lanolised up to three times before being up to overnight use. Does this mean they go through the wash/lanolise/dry cycle three times? (i.e. dried between each treatment?).
4)I'm confused about the washing of woolies. Everywhere agrees against rubbing as this will cause felting, but that shouldn't be needed unless there's a poo type mark I'm guessing?
5) How exactly do you wash the woolies? I've read that you can use a wool wash, and that you can add a few drops of that in with the lanolin, so that they're basically soaking in the cleaning solution and lanolin at the same time - true? I've also read that you can buy a wool wash with lanolin already in, but that might not get them as bombproof as using a separate lanolin and wash? I've also read that you don't need a special wool wash, and a few drops of baby bubble bath (Johnson's or something similar) works just as well instead - true?
If you've got this far - yay! Please let me know how you do it, I'm very new to wool but hope to start with this baby and am already planning on knitting my next pair of longies.
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