
Stinky woolies and a red bum!

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Stinky woolies and a red bum!

Postby sugarplum » Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:34 pm

i have two children in wool at night, we use PUL in the day.
DD who is 2.5 and DS who is 8 months.
DS is fine but DD woolies blooming stink.
If i lanolise them over the weekend and she put them on manday and tuesday night, they reek of ammonia by thw wednesday even if i air them out for ages.
DS never has any problems but DD just stinks. she also get a red bottom if i put her in PUL at night so that is not an option, maybe she has very strong wee, i dont know.
I use soaring sheep apple blossom lanolin after using pure soap to wash or ewe need it cherry almond wash and lanolin.
any ideas ladies.

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Re: Stinky woolies and a red bum!

Postby Louise » Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:09 am

Unfortunately some children's night nappies and wool absolutely reek :puke: (Both my middle two's NNs really uased to smell awful in the morning once they were older and I needed to wash and lanolise woollies about twice a week for them. I've no idea why but they've always been like that unfortunately. :( I think its somethign to do with their age as they were fine when they were babies/toddlers.

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Re: Stinky woolies and a red bum!

Postby aimeet » Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:52 am

Is she teething? Penny's wee stinks when teeth are coming through, maybe she needs to drink more water. Other than that sometimes they just smell. Lol

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Re: Stinky woolies and a red bum!

Postby sugarplum » Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:43 pm

yup- shes got her molars coming through so thats probably contributing- she has always had quite ammonia-ish wee anyway even if she has glugged water all day!
ill just have to keep washing and lanolising as she get so red with PUL.
thanks for your replys

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Re: Stinky woolies and a red bum!

Postby KimmyM » Tue Jun 19, 2012 9:29 pm

I try to alternate so they have at least everyother night off I find that helped with DD's.

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Re: Stinky woolies and a red bum!

Postby ladybird » Tue Jun 19, 2012 9:39 pm

When you say you wash with pure soap, is it a wool wash? If not then it may be you are stripping lanolin before lanolising, so it's not building up, but starting back at almost nothing again iyswim.
What happens if you use unscented wash and lanolin? Could the mixture of scents be contributing to the smell?
Teething doesn't help though, as above.

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Re: Stinky woolies and a red bum!

Postby Little Pants » Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:08 am

What sort of wool are they made with? If they are machine washable, the lanolin has all been stripped out, and it won't absorb any more. You really need to use 100% wool, and hand wash only wool. If you made them yourself, it may be that you used the wrong sort of wool. If you bought them as a ready made wool soaker, then they should be the right wool, so this is only a suggestion, but if they're hand knitted, that could be the problem.

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Re: Stinky woolies and a red bum!

Postby sugarplum » Thu Jun 21, 2012 9:06 am

hi @littlepants im mama_ickle on greenparents. lol
what a small world.
yes they are definately real 100% wool as bought on here from the WAHM or nearly new.
I do use soap to wash not woolie wash so maybe that is also.
im stripping the lanolin and re applying it. doh!!!
now i know ill just use the wooies wash/ lanolin mix and top up with pure lanolin if needed.
last night i put a small spray of lan in the woolies about a hour before she wore them to bed and that has helped- much less smelly today!!!

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