
Tell me about lanolin scents and lanolin vs wool wash etc

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Tell me about lanolin scents and lanolin vs wool wash etc

Postby Mareth » Mon Sep 24, 2012 6:58 pm

I've never used a lanolin woolly wash, just olive oil soap to wash and then solid lanolin for lanolising. Tell me about woolly wash instead please.

I know I'd still need to lanolise fully the first time, but after that, how often would I need to use actual lanolin rather than just wool wash?

What about lanolin spray, rather than solid? What's the process for lanolising then?

Finally, what scents are nice? I've been looking at ENI and I'm quite liking the sound of Monkey Farts, Chai Tea, Cinnamon Buns, Bushels of Fun, Feliz Navidad, Gingerbread.

I don't like flowery scents, love spicy, christmassy, cinnamon, and some fruity ones too.

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Re: Tell me about lanolin scents and lanolin vs wool wash etc

Postby Rox » Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:04 pm

I've just gone for some CJs wool wash and its 40% lanolin or something but tbh, i didnt feel confident that it would really do the trick and so lanolised them after like i usually would tho i didnt feel the need to soak them for quite as long as when i used to use just a wash iykwim so it did do something.

Maybe others who have used it in action can help with their experience of that.

I've had lanolin spray in the past which is okay for topping up but imho you cant get better than a good lanolin bath. I've always been a liquid lanolin user but afaik theres no difference in that and solid, i just find dosing easy with liquid.

I've just finished prepping all of babys wool, my house smelt lovely for a few days with it all drying hehe.

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Re: Tell me about lanolin scents and lanolin vs wool wash etc

Postby Louise » Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:05 pm

I use both every time unless I have very recently lanolised woollies and am just washing them as they have got dirty. Wool wash doesn't contain a huge amount of lanolin so I find both essential. If I've recently lanolised I wash with the woolly wash (and scrub any dirt with a wool wash bar) and then use a spray lanolin. Otherwise I use the woolly wash and then lanolise with solid lanolin. Sprat lanolin is good for top-ups between lanolising too, I just spray the area where the nappy will be and rub in. My favourite scents are cherry almond and amaretto so I tend to just stick with those two! Monkey farts is too sickly sweet for me.

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Re: Tell me about lanolin scents and lanolin vs wool wash etc

Postby lazylexis » Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:55 pm

I was with woolly wash and use solid lanolin.We found scented irritated N's skin so use scented wash and unscented lanolin.

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Re: Tell me about lanolin scents and lanolin vs wool wash etc

Postby aimeet » Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:52 pm

We wash and lanolise every other time unless its been ages. I use spray inbetween. I like sheepish grins juicy cherry. Nom nom! Also have clothes pin and toffee apple (both woolishous I think)but find clothes pin a bit air freshner ish.

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