
How do babies get out?

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Re: How do babies get out?

Postby Mareth » Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:34 pm

We told Rhys the truth too. We just told him, you know how you have a hole for wee to come out, and a hole for poo, well ladies have an extra hole in between that babies come out of when they're ready.

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Re: How do babies get out?

Postby Soupdragon » Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:57 pm

I went for completely honest and factual. I bought Iris a book called 'It's Not The Stork', which explains everything. :)

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Re: How do babies get out?

Postby Rox » Mon Oct 01, 2012 8:26 am

via a wave of a magic wand... or at least thats what im hoping :panic: :giggle:

TBH i didnt think it was necessary to explain it in too much detail to a 4yo as i didnt want her to worry about me so cant really help there as i just told her the basic idea that i will go into hospital and a midwife will help me push baby out of my lady bits (in our house she has girly bits and i have lady bits so there is a slight distinction iykwim)

She saw an advert for something the other day, is it proctor and gamble where it goes through all the things mum does and she saw a lady in pain giving birth... she looked at me a little scared and asked would it hurt me - i said a little but it was okay as we are supposed to have babies and our bodies will help.

I think if i wasnt having a baby i would have happily gone into more detail for her, we look at pictures of baby growing and things online but i think its a bit sensitive at the moment as i dont want her knowing too much that she might not understand and worrying about me when she should be excited about her new baby sister.


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Re: How do babies get out?

Postby knees_on » Mon Oct 01, 2012 9:29 am

Mine have always watched birth videos and seen my 3 of my births so they are not in the least phased by it. I think honesty and as little embarrassment as possible does it. If you aren't concerned then its not likely they will be. When I started having home births/watching birth DVDs the eldest was 6 and my boy was 2 1/2. They have all taken it as matter of fact. DS was 8 at the last birth. And we don't talk about it all the time or anything. I can't watch births unless I'm pregnant, makes me a bit :oops:

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Re: How do babies get out?

Postby g murphy » Mon Oct 01, 2012 9:32 am

Me and Harry watch loads of baby/ birth programmes on discovery health and OBEM etc and he just accepted it. xx

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Re: How do babies get out?

Postby northernruth » Mon Oct 01, 2012 9:35 am

Mareth wrote:We told Rhys the truth too. We just told him, you know how you have a hole for wee to come out, and a hole for poo, well ladies have an extra hole in between that babies come out of when they're ready.

THis for us too. We've not really had the question about how babies get in there - well a bit but we have told her that all girls are born with loads of eggs and when they are ready one grows into a baby. If only it were that easy :(

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Re: How do babies get out?

Postby fivefourfour » Mon Oct 01, 2012 9:59 am

northernruth wrote:If only it were that easy :(

:( :hug:

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Re: How do babies get out?

Postby Mareth » Mon Oct 01, 2012 10:02 am

northernruth wrote:
Mareth wrote:We told Rhys the truth too. We just told him, you know how you have a hole for wee to come out, and a hole for poo, well ladies have an extra hole in between that babies come out of when they're ready.

THis for us too. We've not really had the question about how babies get in there - well a bit but we have told her that all girls are born with loads of eggs and when they are ready one grows into a baby. If only it were that easy :(


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Re: How do babies get out?

Postby sportyminx » Mon Oct 01, 2012 6:41 pm

Sorry, haven't had time to read all the replies, but wanted to say, I am very honest with my children - Bradley asked at age 2 when I was pregnant with Naomi, I just told him in as least confusing way as possible that the mummy gets tummy pains and when the time comes she has to push and push and push until the baby is born, via her 'bits' he was fine with it! Naomi knows too, neither of them have ever worried about it!

Bradley asked the elusive question the other day about how the baby gets in........ again at 6 I told him the truth, though kept it as simple and non-graphic as possible lol!

They have to find out at some point, so why not now :widesmile: to be fair, I always promised myself if any of my children asked me a question, no matter what the subject I would always answer as honestly as I could!

:yahoo: :love: :dancing: to Aoife though!!!!!


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