
The Birds and The Bees

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The Birds and The Bees

Postby Cyrillia » Mon Mar 19, 2012 6:58 pm

Hey all,

Ethan is nowhere ready to hear about the finer points of human reproduction, but over the last few months he's started to ask more and more questions like "where's your winky gone mammy?", "why has daddy got a big winky?" (DH was very proud at that one! :giggle: ), more recently - "how did the baby get in your tummy?", "who gave that baby to you?", and tonight - "how do you wee then mammy?".

Whilst my initial surprise at the "where's your winky gone mammy?" question did result in me blurting out "well, you know I told you if you played with yours too much it'd drop off... :giggle: I've tried to answer as truthfully as I possibly can since then. However, tonight's "how do you wee then mammy?" question got me on the off. I tried to explain that my winky is underneath me, where you can't see, but he's started to say that girls have a 'special' winky. I don't really want him to think that, because his is special too! I think it's because I'm the only girl in the house so I guess he feels that his type of winky is the norm as him, his dad, and his brother all have the same thing!

What should I tell him?


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Re: The Birds and The Bees

Postby LilMrsAverage » Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:11 pm

I've just always said these are mummies bits and those are dexters bits he knows his is a willy and testicles but in general referred to as bits and Tabitha and my bits are girls bits lol

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Re: The Birds and The Bees

Postby Rox » Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:20 pm

Same here, girls have girls bits, boys have boys bits - they look a bit different but do the same thing.

We then go through various members of the family and point out if they have girly bits or boy bits. Sounds a bit odd now i think about it but it works well..

mummy has girly bits because she's a girl
denver our doggy has boy bits because he's a boy

and so on...

I just try to be as honest as poss without anything too crude/graphic.

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Re: The Birds and The Bees

Postby LynniferT » Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:39 pm

I'm sure I've had plenty of 'why don't you have a willy mummy' questions and I prob give a different answer each time...I do like the 'that's what happens if you play with it too much' made me :giggle:

I'd maybe try to explain boys bits are on the outside of their bodies and girls bits are on the inside, that's what makes us different.


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Re: The Birds and The Bees

Postby zippie-purple-monkey » Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:44 pm

Rox wrote:Same here, girls have girls bits, boys have boys bits - they look a bit different but do the same thing.

We then go through various members of the family and point out if they have girly bits or boy bits. Sounds a bit odd now i think about it but it works well..

mummy has girly bits because she's a girl
denver our doggy has boy bits because he's a boy

and so on...

I just try to be as honest as poss without anything too crude/graphic.

Same here. Logan thinks he has a "tail" though :giggle: - cue uncontrollable laughed from husband :roll:

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Re: The Birds and The Bees

Postby Shaunie » Tue Mar 20, 2012 8:54 am

I get the where's your willy all the time. I often get asked are you weeing from your bum-bum! I just say that girls don't have willies and that we have girly bits and when they persist I say it's a bit like a front bottom but only wee comes from there.

DS2 will still try to look where I am weeing from when he comes into the bathroom :roll:

I've not been asked where thet baby has come from yet which surprised me. When Isaac was very small Jonah asked if I ate Isaac! My friend told her boys that babies were made after mummy & daddy shared special kisses!

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Re: The Birds and The Bees

Postby Caroline » Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:21 am

Its a bit easier here because we have a girl and a boy. We just tell it how it is in a factual, child friendly way. Max has a penis and testicles and she has a vagina.

One of India's friend is about to become a big sister and I *think* India will ask how the baby is born and I plan on telling her the truth.

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Re: The Birds and The Bees

Postby beck » Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:04 am

It's just girls have their bits and boys have willy's.

Hannah asked where babies come from when William was born. We just told her that when mummy and daddys love each other they can have a baby and the baby comes out of a special place between your wee wee and your bottom (which is round about what happens!) I feel there is plenty of time to get technical about it all when they are old enough to understand properly.

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Re: The Birds and The Bees

Postby LilMrsAverage » Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:09 am

Dexter watched one born every minute with me and my very :pregnant: friend lol - He told Lizzie thats how your baby is going to come out - shortly afterwards when she went to the loo he ran after her to tell her not to drop the baby :giggle:


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