
CLingy girl

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CLingy girl

Postby northernruth » Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:47 pm

Since we got back from holiday (last Tuesday) Martha has been incredibly clingy. She was great on holiday, we were with mates with 3 boys aged 7, 5 and 2 and we hardly saw her for the first few days, she slept in with the older tow and they were all as thick as thieves. We had 3 nights at the end just the 3 of us when we came back to Keswick.

DH isn't working at the moment so he does most of the school run etc. The problem is that Martha wants me ALL THE TIME from the minute I get in. Although she is a bit better tonight - DH brought her back from a playdate as I got back from a run and she came in the shower with me, so now she is happily letting Daddy read her a story. But on Saturday DH took her downstairs for half an hour so I could get ready for our night out (wedding anniversary) and she crept back upstairs "I want a cuddle from Mummy". This was after she'd been in the shower with me and we'd had lots of fun getting dry and I'd blow dried her hair and basically had some great Mummy and daughter time. She's very tactile with both of us. On one hand it's lovely - she keeps cuddling me and saying things like "I love my lovely pretty mummy :giggle: ) but it's a bit full on after a full day at work to have to do the full bedtime routine just because she "needs" me - I don't sit down till half seven after a full day at work if that happens.

Anyway we are *trying* to just go with it so she gets as much of me as I can stand, and maybe it's getting a bit better. but any tips gratefully appreciated.

I should just add, she gets tons of attention from both of us - she's rarely left to entertain herself and will interrupt any conversation that she's not part of. So she's not starved of attention at all (maybe that's a problem in itself)

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Re: CLingy girl

Postby Miss_Purple » Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:59 pm

No advice sorry, Annabel is just the same at the moment, it can be exhausting. Though I have to say I rarely sit down at all until 9pm, workday or maternity leave, isn't that just par for the course? Could you try alternate days so Monday you put her to bed, Tues DH and so on, so she knows what to expect? Maybe go for a run while DH does bedtime so there is no choice?

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Re: CLingy girl

Postby Scotia » Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:00 pm

I don't have any advice but don't want to read and run! It must be really tiring for you. Maybe it's a bit of comedown after the bustle of the holiday. I don't really know what to suggest though.

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Re: CLingy girl

Postby northernruth » Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:04 pm

Miss_Purple wrote:No advice sorry, Annabel is just the same at the moment, it can be exhausting. Though I have to say I rarely sit down at all until 9pm, workday or maternity leave, isn't that just par for the course? Could you try alternate days so Monday you put her to bed, Tues DH and so on, so she knows what to expect? Maybe go for a run while DH does bedtime so there is no choice?

I think the problem is partly that I'm often not here on some nights. Tomorrow I won't be home before bedtime, for example. And DH has her from after school, and I guess if she's banging on about wanting to see Mummy it's hard for him to push her on further. But I did have a word with him about not letting her slope off at the weekend - I should be able to have half an hour to myself to put some slap on! Mind you I never go to the toilet alone, so I guess I shouldn't have high expectations!

Scotia wrote:I don't have any advice but don't want to read and run! It must be really tiring for you. Maybe it's a bit of comedown after the bustle of the holiday. I don't really know what to suggest though.

Yeah we always have a bit of this after a holiday, I guess she gets used to seeing us both all day every day.

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Re: CLingy girl

Postby Kirstyh » Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:26 pm

no advice but that does sound tiring, I guess this shows the difference in having siblings, Grace will spend hours entertaining herself while I get on with things, I tend to do a bit then have some her time then do a bit more, although I probably should spend more time with all of them one to one. It isn't easy is it

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Re: CLingy girl

Postby confusinglady » Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:40 pm

My eldest gets like this when we ve spent time with her cousins. One of them gets on really well with her and we don t see either of them when they re both usually demanding of attention in their personalities. There is always a bit of a come down period and but it does settle.
I think go with it for a bit and it will die down. I think it's a personality thing she sounds very much like my eldest.

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Re: CLingy girl

Postby mummy_goose1 » Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:43 pm

no advice, but :hug: :hug: :hug:
hope it dies down soon! xx

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