
I love him dearly...

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I love him dearly...

Postby mabo » Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:05 am

... but sometimes Joshua can really just get to me. I really need to find him a place at Kindy somewhere so he can go a couple of mornings a week and I can just have some time either alone with Anna or really on my own when she naps.
I feel really bad as he doesnt actually do anything upsetting or bad, its just that he is so full on the whole day - it just really wears me out.
He has not had a nap in weeks now, yet I know he would benefit from having one as he does get really bad in the evenings, but he refuses to sleep when Anna does. And recently I've tried having a nap myself when Anna does because I am just so tired and he will say that he'll go to sleep too, but just as I've managed to doze off he'll either come running into my room and jump on the bed, or he'll start screaming from his room :roll:

And then there is the constant talking - I've always needed some peace and quiet everynow and then, but he just talks and talks and talks. Sometimes what he says just doesnt make sense but I just dont have the energy to explain why or correct him :oops:

I feel absolutely horrible for thinking this way about him :( He really is such a good boy and of course I love him to bits...

I'm actually really looking forward to my parents coming over so that they can keep him entertained for a bit too.

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Re: I love him dearly...

Postby Louise » Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:01 am

:hug: :hug: I know how you feel. Joshua sounds a lot like Ryan. Hope you manage to find somewhere he can go. :hug:

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Re: I love him dearly...

Postby clairelana » Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:11 am

:hug: :hug:
Sounds like you could do with a bit of a break.
I remember my step son going through this stage. He will calm down a bit soon.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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Re: I love him dearly...

Postby Annette » Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:16 am

I know what you mean. Don't feel bad it is exhausting keeping a child stimulated all day and everyone needs a break. Hope you find a kindy for him - I am sure he would benefit from it too.

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Re: I love him dearly...

Postby beck » Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:56 am

Dont feel bad at all hun :hug: every mum needs a break for a little bit. William was just started daycare for one day a week (last wk) and while I missed him like crazy it also felt really good.

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Re: I love him dearly...

Postby eviesmummy » Thu Mar 12, 2009 9:27 am

:hug: You have nothing to feel bad about :hug: This first stage of :pregnant: is so exhausting and while you are getting a break when Anna sleeps you are working with Joshua full stop. A few hours in kindergarten would be great for both of you - hope you can get one sorted :hug:

There are days I cant wait for bedtime to come around as Im so worn out with the day that doesnt stop bringing up 3 children, housework, and a dh to look after, so its completly normal :hug:

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Re: I love him dearly...

Postby eviesmummy » Thu Mar 12, 2009 9:27 am

:hug: You have nothing to feel bad about :hug: This first stage of :pregnant: is so exhausting and while you are getting a break when Anna sleeps you are working with Joshua full stop. A few hours in kindergarten would be great for both of you - hope you can get one sorted :hug:

There are days I cant wait for bedtime to come around as Im so worn out with the day that doesnt stop bringing up 3 children, housework, and a dh to look after, so its completly normal :hug:

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Re: I love him dearly...

Postby karenandgeorgia » Thu Mar 12, 2009 9:19 pm

:hug: Hope you manage to get him enrolled somewhere soon, he was attending nursery in the UK wasn't he?

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Re: I love him dearly...

Postby flutterby » Fri Mar 13, 2009 9:04 pm

:hug: :hug: :hug: Don't feel bad, I find Jak exhausting and am absolutely dreading that it's another 18 months till he will start nursery (why did he have to be born in September) :hug: :hug: :hug: Hope you manage to find somewhere for him to go a couple of mornings to give you a break!


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