
When do you clean your LO's teeth

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Cloth Nappy Ninky Nonk

Re: When do you clean your LO's teeth

Postby dawnsmummy » Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:07 am

pinksalmon2001 wrote:I clean Tylers in the morning when I do mine (usually after breakfast) and in the evening when he is in the bath - he then has a BF before he goes to bed though so the same as you. The only problem I would have I think is the bf chills him out and then he goes to bed fine whereas cleaning his teeth would wake him right up again :-?

WSS, minus BF and + a sippy cup :giggle:

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Re: When do you clean your LO's teeth

Postby girlinleeds » Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:37 am

i asked a consultant dentist about this at work as was worried about pippa's teeth and she said you should brush teeth after the last milk feed of the day to prevent decay. We see loads of children having teeth out due to decay it's so sad because it's entirely preventable :(

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Re: When do you clean your LO's teeth

Postby Kirstyh » Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:32 am

Gracie's are cleaned in the morning (most :oops: ) and scrubbed every night in the bath, then she has her milk. I am aware that they are meant to be done after the milk drink but that is what we have done with all 3 and they all have perfect teeth.

None of them have ever gone to bed with with a drink esp not juice

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Re: When do you clean your LO's teeth

Postby emmalala » Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:37 am

Kirstyh wrote:Gracie's are cleaned in the morning (most :oops: ) and scrubbed every night in the bath, then she has her milk. I am aware that they are meant to be done after the milk drink but that is what we have done with all 3 and they all have perfect teeth.

None of them have ever gone to bed with with a drink esp not juice

wss, if I brushed his teeth after milk then he'd want more milk afterwards! Bailey and dan have lovely white teeth, tylers are good too, lewis grinds his teeth though and he's ground them down quite bad :( his dentist said he'l grow out of it, but on the plus side none of mine have any holes, ground teeth or not :mrgreen:
was very shocked by the mum who gave her son 4 lollies a day :shock: no wonder his poor teeth were rotten, and :shock: :shock: at the 5 year old in the wheelchair, his dinners were mahooosive!


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