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Postby JenKyleKaitlinRoo » Fri Nov 05, 2010 7:11 pm

My ds1 has recently started to stutter when he talks. Its not all the time but he does do it very often. I have no idea what has started it and I'm not sure whether its worth seeing someone about or not :-? As its a recent thing it may go as quick as it came but I then think what if it wont go away and I didnt get help early enough. He's 6.5.

I have since had a few choice comments from my mum saying he must be very unhappy etc as its a sign of a phsycological problem :(

Anyone else's older child had this or even younger ones? Did you get it treated or did you just leave it?

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Re: Stuttering.

Postby zoeyboo » Fri Nov 05, 2010 8:10 pm

:hug: :hug: :hug: Jen :hug: :hug: :hug:
I've no experience but didn't want to not reply ... if it were me I'd give the Dr a call when he was at school, GP should call you back for a chat and you can just run it by him & see what he says, I'd be happier to do that than leave it tbh.

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Re: Stuttering.

Postby JenKyleKaitlinRoo » Sat Nov 06, 2010 12:09 pm

Thanks hun. Going to take Roo to the clinic on Monday as I have my own concerns oer him too so will ask HV while I'm there.

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Re: Stuttering.

Postby GeoMax » Sat Nov 06, 2010 6:33 pm

George has started stuttering since he started nursery in Jan, he's 4. I spoke with his teacher who said it's because of the change and a different stimulation. He is worse when tired or really excited. It did get much better for a while but is back now. His teacher is going to refer him to speech and language therapy. It's nothing to do with being unhappy so please don't worry. There's some great Internet sites that offer advice too, I'm on my phone so can't post links. Speak to your hv and also his teacher, from what I understand if it's addressed quickly it can be overcome.

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Re: Stuttering.

Postby Amanda » Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:58 pm

Connor stuttered for a while but was quite a bit younger, maybe 3ish, so I think it was a case of him knowing what he wanted to say but tripping over his words as speech was still quite a new thing. It went by itself, I assume once his mouth could keep up with his thoughts. I hope your HV can give you some helpful advice on Monday.

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Re: Stuttering.

Postby shyler76 » Sun Nov 07, 2010 3:26 am

I used to stutter when I was younger too - apparently my mind was working much more quickly than my ability to express myself in language. I certainly don't remember being an unhappy child and now I don't even remember stuttering. I'm sure there are many reasons why a child stutters and a health professional will give you some ideas about this. Parents can be so offensive when they're concerned :roll: x

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Re: Stuttering.

Postby beck » Sun Nov 07, 2010 5:39 am

No experience with it sorry hun :hug: :hug: :hug: hope your HV can give you some advice.

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Re: Stuttering.

Postby mrsm4 » Sun Nov 07, 2010 10:55 am

Hi ya :-)

My middle boy Rhys stuttered for quite a while it started as he joined nursery and we put it down to excitement, being tired and just wanting to get his words out faster that he could cope! We spoke to his teacher an we just made sure we told him to stop take a deep breath and think about what he's trying to say and see how it improved :-)
We did this and it did improve and all stopped about 6months later (ish) if it hadn't we'd have gone down the speech therapy route I think,
I'd mention to HV see what she says also have a chat with his teacher and see if they've noticed it too they may have some advice as I'm sure they deal with it alot :hug:

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Re: Stuttering.

Postby JenKyleKaitlinRoo » Sun Nov 07, 2010 11:20 am

Ah thanks. All the stuff I read said not to tell them to stop talking or slow down etc as it can make them more conscious of it and make it worse.

Will speak to HV tomorrow and have a quiet word with his teacher too. I think he talks too fast at times and its definitely worse if he's excited!

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