
Question for those with secondary age girls

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Re: Question for those with secondary age girls

Postby Karanj56 » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:23 pm

I'm fair haired and have some hair on my upper lip, when it gets quite noticeable I use Oxy pads - the ones used to clean your skin when you have spots. They contain a tiny amount of peroxide(which is used to dry up the spots) but can also act as a bleaching agent. My daughter Grace is 11 and kids at school can be so cruel. I hope to god she doesnt ever have to deal with anything like this. Big hugs for your little girl x x

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queen bee
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Re: Question for those with secondary age girls

Postby queen bee » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:35 pm

I was bullied at school because I had really bad acne that started age 9 and continued well until now. The bullying has had such a profound effect on me that it is only now I am in my 30's that I'm starting to get over it. Years of being told I am ugly mean that it is only now after 15 years of my DH telling me I am beautiful that I can start to believe that I look ok. It has also made me wary on meeting new people, especially the pretty, trendy ones.

If you can find a way to help your DD deal with her facial hair and stop getting singled out for it, I would really encourage you to do it. Children can be so cruel to each other. I can't bear the thought of my kids being bullied.

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Re: Question for those with secondary age girls

Postby VICKERSHOUSE » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:07 pm

Thanks everybody :hug:

I have told her not to worry about it atm and hopefully the boys will grow tired of the silly names and find something better to do :x , and to make sure she doesn't get any foundation :shock: (yes she does wear a little bit of make up to school) on that area as it makes the hairs a bit darker.

Shaving is a no no, so may try a little cream hair remover if the problem escalates. Will just have to play it by ear i think :-?

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Re: Question for those with secondary age girls

Postby nappynutter » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:21 pm

TBH, I think the problem here is the bullying not how to deal with facial hair. The school should be doing something about it. It's not up to her to hide it or get used to their appalling behaviour. I would speak to the school.


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