
Bedwetting and alarms

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Re: Bedwetting and alarms

Postby justme123 » Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:42 pm

Another one here for lifting. Ds1 wouldn't wear nappies (little brother was dry and it was apparently worse to be a "baby" than to be wet :roll:) but he wasn't dry at night until about 6.5. Lifting (and waterproof sheets / duvet cover) allowed him to be "dry" most nights. Eventually we forgot and he was dry. I really think they will do it when they are ready and there's not much point trying to force the issue in any way before that. Unless there is a psychological reason for it (eg if she had been reliably dry for some time and then started wetting again) then it is purely a developmental / physiological thing. Just go with whatever she is most comfortable with.

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Re: Bedwetting and alarms

Postby ladybird » Tue Sep 13, 2011 6:24 am

We used nappies and just tried without occasionally, giving a few days for him to go from being used to nappies to not needing them. We had brollysheets (I think that's the correct name) which were fab. We tried over the summer last year and he got it within a few days. I would give a week or so when you do try, as it takes a little while for them to realise that 'oops I forgot I don't have a nappy on' iyswim. If they don't get that within a few days then they're probably not ready.
We did try lifting, but tbh, I think that just teaches them that you'll do it for them so they're just relying on you, rather than a nappy. No point imho.

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Re: Bedwetting and alarms

Postby lazylexis » Tue Sep 13, 2011 6:36 am

http://www.nice.org.uk/nicemedia/live/1 ... /51369.pdf
u might find that helpful to read.

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Re: Bedwetting and alarms

Postby Shaunie » Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:31 am

I have to say I don't see the point in lifting. We didn't do it with Jonah & won't do it with Isaac either. Jonah was wearing cloth with wool until about March this year (he had turned 4 in the Dec). We initially tried just 1 night a week when we stay at Mum's & he did really well so after a few weeks of this we went cold turkey at home & he did so well. On average 1 wee accident every week or 2. I can't even remember the last time he has an accident. He was happy to wear nappies though because he loves the squishy soft feel of them!

I was concerned going cold turkey because his nappies were still wet every night but in Jonah's case I think it showed us that he was able to hold his wee until morning but maybe didn't because he was wearing a nappy.

When we tried Jonah we did say that if accidents were more frequent than dry nights then we would have put him back into cloth at night so it may be that would be a good idea and then try again in a few months?

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Re: Bedwetting and alarms

Postby justme123 » Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:57 am

Shaunie wrote:I have to say I don't see the point in lifting.

For us the point was to allow an older child (5+) to get through the night dry without forcing him to wear nappies which he really wasn't happy to do. I wouldn't do it with a younger child who was happy in nappies.

I agree that if you think they are ready then cold turkey is the best way :-)

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Re: Bedwetting and alarms

Postby Shaunie » Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:13 am

justme123 wrote:
Shaunie wrote:I have to say I don't see the point in lifting.

For us the point was to allow an older child (5+) to get through the night dry without forcing him to wear nappies which he really wasn't happy to do. I wouldn't do it with a younger child who was happy in nappies.

I agree that if you think they are ready then cold turkey is the best way :-)

When I wrote this I was thinking more in terms of just generally lifting for all children as a way of getting them through the night but can see that in this case it's very different :D

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Re: Bedwetting and alarms

Postby Sunset » Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:30 am

I was a bedwetter until quite late, I was an extreme case but here is my experience. I tried everything, I was under a consultant at hospital, I was lifted, had alarms, tests and medication etc. My mum would lift me before she went to be, sometimes I would wee sometimes not, but regardless of whether I did, I still wet the bed. I tried all the alarms on the market and being trialled at the time and none of them worked, I would not hear them and anyways if was always after the event and so too late. I cannot remember wearing nappies but my mum used to put incontinence pad on my bed with a flat sheet folded to cover it and tuck in. The bed pads that weenotions make now, look ideal and much better so it can just be removed and then replaced if necessary.
Honestly I hated the alarms, I can PM you more detail on the different types i tried. But it just depressed me having to go to sleep being reminded of what was imminently going to happen and feeling like a weirdo. In the end I stopped wetting the bed through none of the above, just that my body/brain finally made the connection to wake me up before I needed to wee.
Please PM me if you to chat, I'm happy to share any experiences/info I can :hug:


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