
How large is a Dunk n Fluff Large

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Re: How large is a Dunk n Fluff Large

Postby Velvetsteph » Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:20 am

Grace isn't chunky at all but she is long....
Knit print ones tend to shrink a little and so be a little lower on the rise than all obv ones I've found...

Grace currently fits fine in the mediums but I can see her needing a large in 3months time so I'd get it as a large - you could always just use it at nights to start with if it's not slim enough for daytime use... I've got a couple of nappies which are larges for Grace now (e.g. jimmy riddles) and they're way too huge for daytime but perfect for nights...

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Re: How large is a Dunk n Fluff Large

Postby happytails » Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:53 am

Amber is 11months and about 20-21lbs not had her weighed in a while. Little chunky thights but smaller waist. She fits mediums on 2nd tightest snaps all round but im ordering Larges from now on as the rise isnt going to last past a few months (all ours are knit prints) x

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Re: How large is a Dunk n Fluff Large

Postby Kirstyh » Tue Jan 19, 2010 1:58 pm

Gracie is 22 months and about 22lbs and medium fit her nicely on the second tightest, she is very long and very slim, I love the trimness of them, I was watching her in the doctor today and he bum looked very trim under her lls longies

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Re: How large is a Dunk n Fluff Large

Postby mabo » Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:22 pm

:waiting: I was afraid of that... different babies, different shapes... :roll: :giggle:

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Re: How large is a Dunk n Fluff Large

Postby 2climbingboys » Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:43 pm

They would have fit Blake from 8 months I think (when he went in to large nappies) - but he is over 98th centile for height and over 75th for weight.

Could you just ask for extra snaps so it would be a large rise but able to fit a slim LO?

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Re: How large is a Dunk n Fluff Large

Postby rhead » Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:42 pm

Or maybe she'd make you a medium long?

I have a lot of trouble with our DnFs falling down in the back (hello, bum! :idea: ). The medium seems to stay up better than the large (odd as the rise is shorter), but I have to fasten both of them much more tightly around the middle than I would with our other nappies to stop them sliding down in the back. :-? Then I worry about them being uncomfortable for Lili (like wearing too-tight jeans :oops:). Sigh.

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Re: How large is a Dunk n Fluff Large

Postby clarge » Thu Jan 28, 2010 5:22 pm

We have a large and Dylan is 19 months and 29lb and it fits him on the 3rd poppers for the leg and 3/4 on waist so is big on him. The medium just about fit him still recently. But it does depend on your LO's build, he is very skinny on the waist.


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