
How to make aplix/poppers into nippa fastening?

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How to make aplix/poppers into nippa fastening?

Postby hobbitfoot » Fri Apr 02, 2010 10:56 pm

Hi, I love the nippa fit on my baby as he's VERY chunky round the waist and struggles to be mobile with aplix and popper fasteners which do up round the waist, he's much more comfy in a nippa that fastens more in the hip area BUT i'm having problems getting hold of nippa nappies (we only use bamboo as he's a very heavy wetter), only found old style bamboozles and bambinex so far.

So, was thinking of making my popper/aplix nappies into nippa ones. Anyone done this? Any diff between poppers/aplix nappies that would make one more suitable for this than the other? Do I just unpick the aplix? Do I remove poppers or just leave them on and nippa around them? Any advice greatly appreciated, thanks :wink: Rae and Obi :hug:

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Re: How to make aplix/poppers into nippa fastening?

Postby babyjjbaby » Sat Apr 03, 2010 8:22 am

i would just nippa over the aplix and poppers tbh i ceratinly wouldn't remove them as i can't see them being nay good for resale

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Re: How to make aplix/poppers into nippa fastening?

Postby hobbitfoot » Sat Apr 03, 2010 5:41 pm

Hi, thanks for your reply, yeah I thought the same at first but it doesn't work because I'm trying to avoid fastening round his waist and the velcro still sticks there when nippa'd over. With poppers it works fine but I only have a couple of popper nappies. Think I'm just going to bite the bullet and remove the velcro, they're his size 2 ones and he's only 6mths so he'll be using them for a while yet and will use them for all subsequent children (he's my first) so thinking about it, there'll probably be nothing left of them for resale anyway :hohoho:

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Re: How to make aplix/poppers into nippa fastening?

Postby *tinkerbellarella* » Sat Apr 03, 2010 5:50 pm

hi might sound a bit dim, but can u perhaps not turn the rise down and nippa them? they'd do up lower then in theory. just a thought.....

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Re: How to make aplix/poppers into nippa fastening?

Postby Orchid » Sun Apr 04, 2010 3:41 pm

I removed the aplix from a nature babies bamboo nappy with a quick unpick/seam ripper that I bought off ebay for a couple of quid and was going to do the same for my tots bots bamboozles but then decided to wait cause it would affect resale value. I am still trying out 2 parters and still not sure about them. I think removing the aplix would make them last longer as they would fit larger. I also find the aplix makes the nappies really bulky and don't like it against ds' skin. I would try removing one and see how you get on. It does make them a bit more fiddly to get on but a better fit.

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Re: How to make aplix/poppers into nippa fastening?

Postby Louise » Sun Apr 04, 2010 4:34 pm

Personally I wouldn't remove it. There's a reason why you don't get many nippa fastening bamboo terry nappies anymore and that's because after a while the pile flattens and you can't nippa them at all.

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