
Mother-ease one size.first timer!

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Mother-ease one size.first timer!

Postby HannahM » Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:38 pm

I'm hoping someone can give me some advice on cloth nappies as we're just starting with our toddler and it all seems very daunting!

My OH's sister was kind enough to give us 12 mother-ease one size with varying sizes of wraps plus 6 size 2 tots-bots and a few random AIOs. I put our son in one of the MOther-ease earlier for 1 and 1/2 hrs and it was wet through to the wrap, is this normal? Should I be adding more inserts to prevent this as surely I cant reuse the wrap if this has happened? (I was under the impression that wraps should last the day?)

Where can I buy flushable liners? The only liners I could find in boots weren't flushable but surely that defeats the point in using a disposable liner??

Sorry for all of the questions, I just don't want to give up too soon!

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Cloth Nappy Ninky Nonk

Re: Mother-ease one size.first timer!

Postby Annette » Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:48 pm

We used Motherease Onesize on Charlotte from birth until she potty trained and I got on well with them. They aren't the most absorbent nappy though and you can get inserts that popper into the nappy or just add some boosters to them to add a little more absorbency. Bamboo or hemp are good.

You are right, a wrap can last all day if it doesn't get mucky but I often would alternate wraps and leave one to air while using another and then swap over again at the next change iyswim.

Most online nappy shops will sell liners but have you thought about using fleece washable liners - save money in the long term and save the hassle of buying flushable ones and the waste?

Don't worry about the questions, keep asking :wink: :D

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Re: Mother-ease one size.first timer!

Postby HannahM » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:05 pm

I think fleece liners would be a good idea for our toddler as he no longer does explosive poos!

We're expecting our second baby in 2 weeks and I'm trying to work out the best thing to do for her too, these one size nappys look like they're going to come up to a newborns armpits...or am I missing a trick with them?? They don't have the additional sets of poppers on the front that you find on the AIO's (I'm quite tempted by AIOs but as we already have these ones I'd rather stick to what we have if possible although I'll need to buy lots more if we put both our little ones in cloth bums!

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Re: Mother-ease one size.first timer!

Postby ladybird » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:15 pm

We didn't bother with liners at all, it was pointless really.

For a newborn, there is a fold you can do with a MEOS. I guess you already know about folding the front down to make them smaller. To go smaller still (I hope I'm getting this right as I no longer have a nappy I can do this to before explaining it),
Turn the nappy over so the outside is facing you
Fold the top under itself, so away from you and down
You would then put baby on the nappy with his/her waist in a sensible positioning for the back of the nappy
Bring the front of the nappy up between baby's legs
Fold the front of the nappy down towards you
You should then be able to do the nappy up and it's a lot smaller than having it opened out iyswim.


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Cloth Nappy Ninky Nonk
Cloth Nappy Ninky Nonk

Re: Mother-ease one size.first timer!

Postby Annette » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:18 pm

Charlotte was 7lb 4oz and with the front folded down and the tabs crossed over, they were bulky but they fitted perfectly and worked well.

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Re: Mother-ease one size.first timer!

Postby HannahM » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:44 pm

Except for looking very bulky between the legs that looks much better now I've crossed over the tabs (didn't think to do that before) and also tried the extra folding thanks!

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Cloth Nappy Aficionado

Re: Mother-ease one size.first timer!

Postby ladybird » Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:31 pm

Bulk between the legs is usually a good thing - helps with correct hip alignment I believe.
Good luck!

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