
Best non staining paint?

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Cloth Nappy Lover
Cloth Nappy Lover

Best non staining paint?

Postby mummy_mi » Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:05 pm

We bought some Crayola paint which was lovely and bright but stained hands for a day or so after, then we tried the ELC finger paints which washed off easily but were gritty and rubbish to paint with. I was going to get the ELC ready mixed paint but most of the colours seem to be out of stock and there's been comments saying they stain too.

I dont mind a bit of mess, as long as it washes out after a good bath but hate when Chloe's got green fingers for days after! Would love to get some eco friendlier paints but the ones I've seen are super pricey and we'll be doing much more painting with lots of families birthdays coming up and xmas round the corner!

Anyone else got any recommendations of some others or even opinions on the ELC mixed ones?


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Cloth Nappy Lover
Cloth Nappy Lover

Re: Best non staining paint?

Postby Johanna21 » Thu Sep 13, 2012 8:31 pm

We've got the ELC ready mixed ones (I got them half price so bought quite a few!) and they've been fine. We haven't had any major messes but they wash off children, clothes and the table OK :D

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Natalie mama Orise

Re: Best non staining paint?

Postby Natalie mama Orise » Mon Oct 06, 2014 6:17 pm

Recently my son has been getting bored with laying down on his mat and his toys so I decided to do a messy activity with him.I found a recipe for edible paint as he is only 5 months I didn't want him to put anything dangerous into his mouth.I used a fairy cake baking tin and put 2 table spoons of natural yoghurt and added a pack of Kool Aid(this is an American soft drink that comes in powder form and can be found on ebay).The kool aid makes the yoghurt a vibrant colour depending on how much you use and it works really well for painting.The best part is it poses no danger to the children and doesn't matter if they put it in their mouths.

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Dancing mum
Cloth Nappy Nutter
Cloth Nappy Nutter

Re: Best non staining paint?

Postby Dancing mum » Mon Oct 06, 2014 9:25 pm

That sounds amazing, what a great idea! Perfect for my 6 month old too, will have a look on web for kool aid :)

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