
HELP! new to this board, cloth nappies & babies in general!

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HELP! new to this board, cloth nappies & babies in general!

Postby edgedem » Thu Nov 20, 2014 2:21 pm

im new to this board and this is my first post! also a FTM so generally just lost and confused!

so ive been looking at 1 part and 2 parts systems and my Partner isn't keen on cloth nappies at all, so I would like to keep things as easy as possible. ive seen that's 2 parts includes a waterproof wrap, then a folded or pre folded rectangle inlay, and then possibly a flush away disposable liner to make the poop easy to deal with,

I like this system but its a bit too much for my OH,

so ive seen a pocket system where wrap & liner r sewn together & then you place a cotton or micro fibre bit between the two in the pocket.. now my question is does this mean that the poop just sits inside and then changed I would have to soak? or can I still use a flush away inlay as well as the pocket bit?

im a bit lost :doh: so any help would be fab, thank you xx

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Re: HELP! new to this board, cloth nappies & babies in general!

Postby Kim » Thu Nov 20, 2014 3:03 pm

You can still put a fleece or disposable liner inside a pocket nappy. What are the names of the nappies you are looking at? It will be well worth looking at the review section of the site and maybe buy a few different designs/brands and see what you both get on with. Don't do what I did and buy 20 of the same nappy because you like the look of themand then find you don't really like them.

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Re: HELP! new to this board, cloth nappies & babies in general!

Postby edgedem » Thu Nov 20, 2014 5:10 pm

thank you for your help im still trying to navigate around this site so I will take another look :) thanks

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Re: HELP! new to this board, cloth nappies & babies in general!

Postby littlesez » Thu Nov 20, 2014 6:36 pm

Is your OH going to be doing majority of nappy changes and will he be washing them ? This is important when considering nappies . My OH likes any nappy and was fine even with Terry squares. The only thing he can't get his head round is putting them together but that's because I have so many he is baffled. Even with all that is to be considered I do 90% of nappy changes 90 % washing 100% of poo removal duty grrrr and 100% putting nappies together. So I choose what I want :)

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Re: HELP! new to this board, cloth nappies & babies in general!

Postby littlesez » Thu Nov 20, 2014 6:41 pm

For new born look just used no liner and put them straight in the wash as it runny anyway and very non offensive, for older babies liners can be used in any type of nappy. You can rinse them under the flush in the toilet but no need to soak

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Re: HELP! new to this board, cloth nappies & babies in general!

Postby edgedem » Thu Nov 20, 2014 7:00 pm

thank you for replies, so are pocket nappies or all in ones best? or with the drying times is it better to have a nappy and then a few separate waterproof wraps? sorry to keep asking!

Well I will be doing near enough 99% of the work! especially at the beginning, so I am hoping if I prebuild them and leave then so its easy to just pop baby in like a disposable then OH wont object too much, though to be honest hes not stupid he should cope!

he just thinks im always going against everyone else (I also want to do the hypno-birthing course for labour which he thinks is "hippy") & now ive mentioned cloth nappies he just rolls his eyes and accuses me of always wanted to be different! just trying to fight my corner for babys sake!

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Re: HELP! new to this board, cloth nappies & babies in general!

Postby Dancing mum » Thu Nov 20, 2014 9:36 pm

I don't have a tumble drier so I use pocket nappies rather than all-in-ones (AIO) as dries quicker because you cab separate all the bits.
I do still have other types as well though but no AIO's.
I started off doing 100% washing and 'building' of pocket nappies but gradually over the months DH has started hanging nappies out to dry (I still put the wash on but don't mind that cos then I know it's done how I want them washed) and he'll join me in evening putting them together. I'm sure your DH will get the hang of it in the end too :-?

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Re: HELP! new to this board, cloth nappies & babies in general!

Postby clothmama » Fri Nov 21, 2014 1:51 am

Honestly don't worry too much about your DH, as the others have said once baby is here and that is what you are using he'll just get on with it. When we started I had a big set of NB kissaluvs among my varied collection - DH preferred to use these as he knew what to do with them so I left them for him and used the others. Once we got into it he used whatever what there, I always had them sorted / folded / put together before they went away.

Pockets are good for quick drying and you can boost as much as you need. AIOs are easy and don't need anything doing to them. However for a newborn neither are the best option for a lot of people (although I had / have both in my NB collections as they do have thier place). A 2 part system will work much better, a good fitted nappy with a good wrap will be a bomb proof combination for most NB poos :giggle: Have a really good look through the forum and the info pages on the site to help get your head around it all - that is half the battle! Then just keep asking us until you have your head around it an know what you want to try!

Kim wrote:Don't do what I did and buy 20 of the same nappy because you like the look of them and then find you don't really like them.

Totally agree with this, when I had my first in cloth I tried to pick up at least 1 of every type and brand that I could so we could find out what worked for us and what didn't!

Good luck, welcome to the site and keep asking whatever you need to @edgedem :widesmile: Congratulations on your pregnancy too - when are you due?

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Re: HELP! new to this board, cloth nappies & babies in general!

Postby edgedem » Fri Nov 21, 2014 3:02 pm

aw thank you so much for the advice, so kind for you all to reply! :D

im not due until April 17th! but as a FTM & a bit of a control freak :oops: I just like to be organized :)

I will keep hunting through and reading up, I do like the idea of a 2 part system for newbown and then onto a pocket style when bigger, so I will look at all options! :) such a fab site, thanks everyone xx


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