
What to stuff pockets with for a heavy wetter?

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What to stuff pockets with for a heavy wetter?

Postby ducky1502 » Fri Apr 15, 2011 10:39 pm

OK so my son is a real heavy wetter!

I have some ebay cheapie pockets at the moment and I'm waiting for some BG's, cushie tushies and a blueberry deluxe OS to arrive.

I understand about hemp and bamboo being more absorbant than cotton and microfibre but I'm a bit clueless as to HOW much I put in the pockets. They have the microfibre bit in the nappy but then how much of what else do I put in? 1 bamboo isn't enough. So do I use 2? More? A mixture? Obviously I want to be able to fit his clothes on :hohoho: so he can't wear THAT many layers.

Have no hemp at the moment but will happily get some.

Thanks :)

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Re: What to stuff pockets with for a heavy wetter?

Postby HighlandMum » Fri Apr 15, 2011 10:48 pm

I used P'tits Dessous inserts in my pockets when we used to use them (had to give up and stick to fitteds eventually). They are bamboo and have lots off layers and are highly recommended by lots of people :)

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Re: What to stuff pockets with for a heavy wetter?

Postby littlesez » Fri Apr 15, 2011 11:08 pm

yes same petit dessous inserts. It depends on how often you want to change or how big you want the nappy to be :giggle: If you wnat it to last a long time you can stuff a few inserts in but then the nappy is often too big. for nighttimes it doesnt matter. We use 4 or 5 inserts to last the night. but for day i just changed often.

Then best combo is microfibre on top (nearest bum) then bamboo or hemp, easy peasy hemp are good inserts too

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Re: What to stuff pockets with for a heavy wetter?

Postby lazylexis » Sat Apr 16, 2011 6:20 am

We use either a ptit dessous insert plus 2 easy peasy hemp or 2 hemp plus 2 easy peasy bamboo.

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Re: What to stuff pockets with for a heavy wetter?

Postby Caroline » Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:24 am

Hemp prefolds are really slim and really absorbent.

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Re: What to stuff pockets with for a heavy wetter?

Postby sim » Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:36 am

In a BG v3 I use a PD bamboo insert plus 1 or 3 Easy Peasy Hemp boosters (depending on time of day and how long I need the nappy to last). DS is a heavy wetter but is beginning to hold his wee at different times of day so is sometimes completely dry in his 2nd nappy so I use less stuffing in that one.

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Re: What to stuff pockets with for a heavy wetter?

Postby docmaggoo » Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:50 pm

we use either a PD size 2 insert, an old style BB insert (hemp & microfibre combo's) or cotton flip inserts!
my fav is the BB insert - stays in place the best inside a pocket.
just play around with what works for you

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