
Bumgenius velcro, advice needed again please

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Bumgenius velcro, advice needed again please

Postby willowherb » Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:39 pm

I brought a bumgenius artist print when they came out a year ago, i use it on a very large rotation but the velcro on this one is faulty and wont stay done up on ds, i put it on him the other day and even with his trousers on it ended up down round his feet. My other bumgenius are fine and the size and fit is great.
I emailed were i got it from to ask if i could send it back for a replacment as it hasent lasted well and is ment to be from birth to potty.
They emailed back saying to pop it in the tumble dryer as it stengthens the velcro, have anyone done this before with any success?
They then said if that didnt work i should maybe buy a sewing kit and mend it :-? i dont really fancy that as i have better things to do than spend more money on something that should last longer than a year.

What do you think i should do?

I have defluffed the velcro, given it a good strip wash and then tumble dryed it for 20 mins, when i put it on Jacob he lasted less than a min before it fell of again, should i email them again and ask for a replacment as what they suggested has not worked the velcro is just naff. I just dont see why i have to have to spend more money on the mending kit :-?
Last edited by willowherb on Mon Nov 14, 2011 9:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bumgenius velcro

Postby bekhi1983 » Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:47 pm

Don't know what to suggest as I'm in the same boat, all of my bgv3 are like this, I wish I'd held off and bought the v4 poppers now. :evil:

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Re: Bumgenius velcro

Postby Asta » Tue Nov 01, 2011 1:10 pm

the tumble drier trick can work, it shrinks the velcro so makes it sticky again.

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Re: Bumgenius velcro

Postby tiyuricc » Tue Nov 01, 2011 1:43 pm

tumble drier definitely makes velcro much more sticky. only recently got access to a drier, and even those nappies that i thought had no problem definitely had stickier velcro after.

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Re: Bumgenius velcro

Postby KimmyM » Tue Nov 01, 2011 2:32 pm

If not there is a nappy nurse on FB someone gave me her name a week or so ago she may be able to replace the aplix but I have to say mine never last even a year which is why I sear clear of aplix nappies now :(

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Re: Bumgenius velcro

Postby cumbrianlass » Wed Nov 02, 2011 11:41 pm

You can also clean out the velcro sticky bits using a nit comb. Is great for getting rid of any bits of fluff, flecce and other unmentionable bits which can get in there and stop the velcro from adhering properly.

The BG3 velcro was upgraded to a better type when they did the BG4, so they knew there was an issue.

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Re: Bumgenius velcro, advice needed again please

Postby Mollys Dad » Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:34 pm

You could replace the velcro with poppers. There is information on the internet/youtube about the parts you need to convert, I think also there are people offering this service as well.

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Re: Bumgenius velcro, advice needed again please

Postby Ju1i4 » Wed Jan 25, 2012 7:29 am

I'm in the process of replacing the leg elastic on my BGv3's, but the velcro is also in aright old mess now, getting very curly and un-sticky, don't have a tumble drier either :(

Such a shame as they're such great nappies, always the ones I go back to, and I've had plenty! Got to say, I bought a couple of BGv4 poppers and they're better by miles!

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Re: Bumgenius velcro, advice needed again please

Postby ems101 » Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:33 am

If you have the recipts (or order confirmation email>) they should refund no quibles. The guarantee is for a year.


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