PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING - Format for nappy swap threads

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PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING - Format for nappy swap threads

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 6:05 am
by clothmama
We are very pleased to be offering you a nappy swapping board :wine: We hope that this area will be well used to find all those nappies looking for a new home in return for one of yours! To keep it all neat and easy for everyone to see what
In the heading place the heading that most applies to the type of swap you would like to do:

Offer: Nappy you would like to swap (eg Puddlekins purple ooga print size small)
Wanted: Nappy you are looking for (eg Pop n Gro in Hot Pink)

If you are offering then in the main part of the thread list details of nappy you have (including pictures as you would for a sale) and the nappy or nappies you are looking for to swap.

If you are posting a wanted then please be clear in your description of what you are looking for (including size, condition, colour etc). Then describe the nappies you have available to swap with. You may not wish to post pictures at this stage until there is interest show in a particular nappy (of course you are welcome too!).

If you are replying to a wanted or offer thread please also give a description about your nappy you are offering and supply pictures (or link to your thread if you have perhaps already done one).

Please be honest and clear in your descriptions as you would for any sale you may do.

The feedback system allows you to leave feedback for swap transactions under 'Trade'. Don't forget to do this as it is such a great resource for future transactions.