
Christmas menu planning

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Christmas menu planning

Postby Soupdragon » Tue Dec 03, 2013 11:54 pm

I'm trying to plan my Christmas menu, but am totally lacking inspiration. I need to have this done (and my Christmas food shopping list all planned out) by Monday, as I'm back at uni then and won't have time to organise. The weather here has definitely started to warm up, after a somewhat shaky start to summer, so it could well be a warm Christmas. Oh, and it's just going to be the four of us, so we don't need enough to feed an army. Nobody likes turkey, so that's definitely not an option. I've done ham in previous years, but maybe something different would be nice? Does anyone have any suggestions, please?

@clothmama @beck @Bernadette (And any other Aussies I've forgotten!) - what are your Christmas meal plans?

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Re: Christmas menu planning

Postby clothmama » Wed Dec 04, 2013 12:03 am

I'm such a traditional girl, love my turkey and ham on Christmas day! Saying that this year it is a fizzer as I need to leave the house all Christmas week by about 12.30 to go to work so we really need to have a Christmas day brunch / early lunch plan which I'm totally confused about what to do!

Why not go the full Aussie Christmas and have seafood?

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Re: Christmas menu planning

Postby gilbertandmartha » Wed Dec 04, 2013 2:39 am

We're not having a big dinner on Christmas day. I just feel that the kids are so excited by the whole day that getting them to sit down, and enjoy a meal that takes forever to cook is ridiculous. Last year Lockie was 'high' on the whole day that he started vomitting by dinner time. And I don't want to be trying to cook a meal and then serve it, when i'd rather be spending time with the kids and DH.

So Christmas day were having a kid friendly meal probably homemade burgers and chips or something like that. for lunch we always do a picnic style with fresh bread, cold meats, sausage rolls etc.

then boxing day we'll have a roast lamb or something.

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Re: Christmas menu planning

Postby Soupdragon » Wed Dec 04, 2013 2:58 am

I know what you mean, Amanda. We've always done the starter option around lunchtime and then have a main at dinner time. Who on earth wants to be stuck inside eating when there's (like last year) a brand new trampoline to be bouncing on?! :giggle: We've bought Iris a new bike for Christmas this year, so I expect she'll want to be riding that all day, while Callum will be playing with his new scooter. No time to stop for food! I actually found a pretty nice recipe for barbecued pork loin, stuffed with apple and macademias, which I thought sounded pretty good. Suitably small and Aussie, too. :thumbsup: So we might have that with some salads, I think.

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Re: Christmas menu planning

Postby beck » Wed Dec 04, 2013 12:14 pm

We have a bit of everything. Salads, ham, chicken, lots of seafood (lobster, prawns & crab). I'm actually thinking of doing a roast pork for Christmas lunch this year.

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Re: Christmas menu planning

Postby laceybat » Wed Dec 04, 2013 12:22 pm

We not doing the Christmas dinner thing. . We normal just have steak and the trimming. And I have what I want and the boy get what they want.

All I do know is we have starter main and pudding

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Re: Christmas menu planning

Postby sim » Wed Dec 04, 2013 12:25 pm

My Christmas meal planning consisted of telling DH it was his responsibility to book us a table for Christmas lunch somewhere.

He booked us on flights to Copenhagen at silly o'clock on Boxing Day so I am not interested in the cooking of a large meal on Christmas Day as I'll need to pack!


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Re: Christmas menu planning

Postby little1 » Wed Dec 04, 2013 1:06 pm

we're having duck for christmas lunch and christmas pudding after, probably won't bother with starters as it just the 4 of us. Joseph will be having his usual rice and beef unless we get another safe food before Christmas and i'm making him syrup tarts (just rice and syrup) for dessert. I will however have to bake lots of Joseph safe cakes, scones, biscuits and crackers to take over to the in laws in the evening so he doesn't feel left out or eat someone elses food :evil:

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Re: Christmas menu planning

Postby ems101 » Wed Dec 04, 2013 1:14 pm



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